PTZ Optics, NDI, OBS, Stream Deck & Me.....


New Member
Church lady here (isn't that special) really stuck on how to get my camera presets coded onto a new Stream Deck XL.

We have two PTZ (30x) Optical zoom cameras connected via POE to our Stream PC (Windows) running OBS 29 and NDI Tools. We stream to YT and have very few issues with bandwidth, etc....

I bought a Sream Deck XL last week hoping that I could assign our PTZ Optic Camera Presets to specific buttons on a streamdeck profile. I hoped that would help less proficient camera operators stream a more consistent service shot wise. Anyhoo.... I tried two different ways but then hit roadblocks.

Using HTTP CGI Commands in Scenes/Browser Sources - couldn't see the camera in OBS,
1. When I use PTZ Optics HTTP CGI Commands to recall a camera preset (as a Browser Source - with refresh browser when scene become active checked) I can see the preset recalled in the NDI Monitor window, but CANNOT see the camera preset in Preview or Program window of OBS. I call up other browsers sources

Using PTZ Camera Controller - Not enough Hotkeys in OBS Settings.
2. I tried using PTZ Optics' Camera Controller Plugin in OBS and while I was able to get the two cameras set up with a few presets set for each, when I went to hotkey them in OBS I don't see where I can set the presets for each of the cameras. There are only 6 Call Presets in OBS' main menu and the hotkeys only work if the Camera Controller is active.

Am I missing something very basic like in my PTZ's Camera Settings (on the IP address controller)? I hate messing with things too much because if something doesn't work I get a bit of friendly hassle from my volunteers. They more or less want to sit down five minutes prior to service starting and have things work.

Thank you.