Hardware Encoder only works when not plugged into my GPU???


New Member
So ever since I've had OBS, my hardware encoder has never worked and I've updated my drivers a billion time, and tried everything, and nothings worked, so I've just been using x264. Then today I was messing around and plugged my HDMI cable into my motherboard instead of my GPU to see if the encoder would work. Suddenly it did! I'm not sure why this happens. Can someone help me?
-AMD Radeon RX 6400
-AMD Ryzen 5 5600
-8Gb RAM
-AMD Radeon (TM)
(i know this isn't the best for recording, but main issue is the encoder only works when not plugged into gpu)

log: https://obsproject.com/logs/M7Ivw5Ze3VFOjTnM


Active Member
It's not, fallback to x264. You should have your monitor connected to the GPU, not the HDMI out on the motherboard.