
  1. MurdoMaclachlan

    Change size of text outline

    I was wondering if it's possible to change the size of the outline on my text source; the way it currently is, the outline is practically invisible, and I can't find any options to change the size of it. I'm using OBS 26.1.1 on Slackware (Current), if that helps.
  2. LastofAvari

    Question / Help Bright outline around the text on transparent background

    The text seems to be alright on colored backgroud, but if background opacity is set to 0 it brings bright outline even though I have outline disabled. Update: this weird outline has corrupted artifacting sort of a look. I becomes more smooth when I just drag Background Opacity slider back and...
  3. Xaymar

    StreamFX (for OBS® Studio) 0.12.0b164

    StreamFX is a plugin to libOBS (OBS® Studio) that adds new sources, filters and transitions to give you the ability to drastically improve your stream and recording setup past what was possible in OBS® Studio until now. Whether it is blurring out a region, moving something in 3D, or just writing...