Mouse is not captured (Window Capture with "Capture cursor" selected)


New Member
Hi - I just downloaded the latest OBS studio. I can record video just fine using window capture (and audio as well), but "capture cursor" does not work. I've tried a couple of different options changes but it just does not record the mouse movements. I tried "Game Capture" and I get no video at all. Any ideas?
Windows 10, Log file:


Active Member
Did you change the Windows mouse settings, for example activated the mouse trail? Reset the mouse settings to some Windows standard and see what happens.


New Member
I tried changing mouse settings - no help. This is a laptop and I'm capturing a screen on the laptop display (not the 2nd external display).


New Member
It's even worse than I thought: In one recording the mouse is SOMETIMES recorded, but mostly not. Something to do with moving the mouse off the application capture window and back on loses/restores the mouse capture. Any ideas what's going on? Looks like a bug...


New Member
OK, I can reproduce the bug:
When the window is the active window, the cursor is captured AOK.

Bug 1: If the window is NOT the active window, the window still receives and processes mouse events,
OBS studio records the window but does not record the mouse (even though the mouse cursor is shown on screen).

Clicking on the window's caption to make it the active window starts recording the cursor.

Bug 2: OBS studio will not capture Windows 10 photo viewer.

Hope this helps!
Best Regards, Dave