Subject: Help with Server Configuration in OBS Studio


New Member

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to configure my OBS Studio server to match the setup shown in the photo below. In the photo, there's a live info bar with a description of the servers. The abbreviations for each server are as follows:
  • protocols.h [82] RTMPS server started on
  • protocols.h [82] HTTP server started on
  • protocols.h [82] WS server started on
  • protocols.h [82] HTTPs server started on
  • protocols.h [82] WSS server started on
  • protocols.h [82] SRT server started on
Does anyone know how to configure these servers in OBS Studio or have a video tutorial showing the step-by-step process? Any help or guidance on the necessary scripts would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

Feel free to adjust any details if needed!


Active Member
The description of servers in the screenshot, is in a terminal window, outside of OBS. Do you have a link to where that screenshot came from? For all we know, OBS knows nothing whatsoever about them, and the people behind it are doing something other than what you think.


New Member
The description of servers in the screenshot, is in a terminal window, outside of OBS. Do you have a link to where that screenshot came from? For all we know, OBS knows nothing whatsoever about them, and the people behind it are doing something other than what you think.


Active Member
Are you having trouble with that guide? There's a Discussion link at the top of that page. The people who watch that are far more likely to actually know something about it, than we are here.

Or, this could be an XY problem.
What is your actual end goal? The whole thing, not just the step you're having trouble with.