Bug Report video failing to initialize in ubuntu 14.04 LTS

heres the info copied from the terminal

Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/locale/en-US.ini
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/locale/en-US.ini
Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/locale.ini
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/locale.ini
Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/license/gplv2.txt
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/license/gplv2.txt
info: OBS 0.4.0 (linux)
info: X and Y: 909 500
Backbuffers: 2
Color Format: 3
ZStencil Format: 0
Adapter: 0

info: OpenGL version: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.1.3

info: Created new platform data
error: OpenGL extension ARB_separate_shader_objects is required.
error: device_create (GL) failed
error: Failed to initialize video
info: Freeing OBS context data
info: Number of memory leaks: 2


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Forum Moderator
Mesa currently isn't supported (yet), sadly the program still needs the annoying proprietary drivers due to extensions we're using in OpenGL. I may just try to get rid of the extensions at some point if I'm able, but I don't have time to work on it at the moment.
Mesa currently isn't supported (yet), sadly the program still needs the annoying proprietary drivers due to extensions we're using in OpenGL. I may just try to get rid of the extensions at some point if I'm able, but I don't have time to work on it at the moment.
i did get it to work i had to manually install ati drivers from the terminal im using VLC to basically screencap the game console capture device if anyone needs a temp work around however it is a bit laggy but it's not bad considering how early this linux obs is just thought i would include that as well but yeah if video fails to initialize just get ati drivers as for nvidia i have no idea as i don't own a nvidia machine to test with
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Forum Moderator
Nvidia and ATI both work fine as long as you use the proprietary drivers, though I really want to get mesa working if I can. I'm hoping that mesa will get the extensions I use working before I get around to having to completely redo my GL shader stuff though.


is there any way to get a geniatech otg 102 usb capture device to work within obs?
If it has v4l(2) drivers it will be possible eventually though it might not work currently. As a basic rule of thumb: if it works in other programs on linux (most notably the qt v4l2 test utility) it should work in obs also.
If it has v4l(2) drivers it will be possible eventually though it might not work currently. As a basic rule of thumb: if it works in other programs on linux (most notably the qt v4l2 test utility) it should work in obs also.
well what happens is it sees the capture device but when i go into properties it just hangs freezes for a bit then unfreezes and won't let me change the framerate or anything it just shows the name of the capture device it did work in the qt test utility


I have some changes lined up that might help or at least give us a hint on whats going on. I cant promise it will be working soon as there are quite some items left on the todo list, but eventually it should.
I have some changes lined up that might help or at least give us a hint on whats going on. I cant promise it will be working soon as there are quite some items left on the todo list, but eventually it should.
i see well i didint go into using this early version of obs expecting everything to work so il just wait then
@Jim with the latest version im getting more options with my capture device but now i am getting a different error
info: v4l2-input: Stepwise and Continuous framerates are currently hardcoded


@Jim with the latest version im getting more options with my capture device but now i am getting a different error
info: v4l2-input: Stepwise and Continuous framerates are currently hardcoded
Does it work for you now if you select some resolution/framrate settings that make sense to you ?
It would also help if you could provide a link to a log file (see "Help" > "Log files").


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
We're working on mesa support (we're most likely just going to rewrite our shader code to make it compatible). ETA is unknown though.