09:45:54.439: Command Line Arguments: --remote-debugging-port=1234 09:45:54.439: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 09:45:54.439: CPU Speed: 2592MHz 09:45:54.439: Physical Cores: 6, Logical Cores: 12 09:45:54.439: Physical Memory: 16129MB Total, 6973MB Free 09:45:54.439: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 19042 (release: 2009; revision: 1526; 64-bit) 09:45:54.439: Running as administrator: false 09:45:54.439: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above) 09:45:54.439: Windows 10 Gaming Features: 09:45:54.439: Game DVR: On 09:45:54.439: Hardware GPU Scheduler: On 09:45:54.443: Sec. Software Status: 09:45:54.444: Microsoft Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV) 09:45:54.444: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW) 09:45:54.444: Current Date/Time: 2022-03-02, 09:45:54 09:45:54.444: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true 09:45:54.444: Hide OBS windows from screen capture: false 09:45:54.444: Qt Version: 5.15.2 (runtime), 5.15.2 (compiled) 09:45:54.444: Portable mode: false 09:45:54.652: OBS 27.2.1 (64-bit, windows) 09:45:54.652: --------------------------------- 09:45:55.257: --------------------------------- 09:45:55.257: audio settings reset: 09:45:55.257: samples per sec: 48000 09:45:55.257: speakers: 2 09:45:55.258: --------------------------------- 09:45:55.258: Initializing D3D11... 09:45:55.258: Available Video Adapters: 09:45:55.261: Adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti 09:45:55.261: Dedicated VRAM: 4156555264 09:45:55.261: Shared VRAM: 4161636352 09:45:55.261: PCI ID: 10de:1f95 09:45:55.261: Driver Version: 09:45:55.262: output 0: 09:45:55.262: name= 09:45:55.262: pos={0, 0} 09:45:55.262: size={1920, 1200} 09:45:55.262: attached=true 09:45:55.262: refresh=59 09:45:55.262: space=RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 09:45:55.262: sdr_white_nits=80 09:45:55.262: nit_range=[min=0.005000, max=576.000000, max_full_frame=576.000000] 09:45:55.262: Adapter 1: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 09:45:55.262: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728 09:45:55.262: Shared VRAM: 4161636352 09:45:55.262: PCI ID: 8086:9bc4 09:45:55.262: Driver Version: 09:45:55.265: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti (0) 09:45:55.373: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000 09:45:55.373: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success 09:45:55.373: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?) 09:45:55.703: --------------------------------- 09:45:55.703: video settings reset: 09:45:55.703: base resolution: 1920x1080 09:45:55.703: output resolution: 1920x1080 09:45:55.703: downscale filter: Bicubic 09:45:55.703: fps: 30/1 09:45:55.703: format: NV12 09:45:55.703: YUV mode: 709/Partial 09:45:55.703: NV12 texture support enabled 09:45:55.705: Audio monitoring device: 09:45:55.705: name: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) 09:45:55.705: id: {}.{82ba8fe3-850e-4515-978e-6be0295c948f} 09:45:55.705: --------------------------------- 09:45:55.707: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: '$R9NKIHH.dll' 09:45:55.707: [Source Dock] loaded version 0.3.2 09:45:55.708: No AJA devices found, skipping loading AJA UI plugin 09:45:55.708: Failed to initialize module 'aja-output-ui.dll' 09:45:55.709: No AJA devices found, skipping loading AJA plugin 09:45:55.709: Failed to initialize module 'aja.dll' 09:45:55.710: [Audio Monitor] loaded version 0.8.0 09:45:55.737: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll', not an OBS plugin 09:45:55.739: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded 09:45:55.739: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-captions.dll' 09:45:55.740: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll' 09:45:55.802: [AMF] Unable to load 'amfrt64.dll', error code 126. 09:45:55.803: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors. 09:45:55.803: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll' 09:45:55.811: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll', not an OBS plugin 09:45:55.811: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll', not an OBS plugin 09:45:55.811: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll', not an OBS plugin 09:45:55.819: [Move Transition] loaded version 2.5.8 09:45:55.827: [obs-browser]: Version 2.17.13 09:45:55.827: [obs-browser]: CEF Version 95.0.0-MediaHandler.2467+g8092a57+chromium-95.0.4638.69 09:45:55.828: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-color-monitor.dll' 09:45:55.828: [obs-color-monitor] plugin loaded successfully (version 0.1.7) 09:45:55.830: NVENC supported 09:45:55.830: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA RTX denoiser disabled, redistributable not found 09:45:55.866: google_s2t_caption_plugin 0.20b obs_module_load -2145703051 09:45:55.869: [StreamFX] Loading Version 09:45:55.922: [StreamFX] Version 0.0 initialized. 09:45:55.928: [StreamFX] Driver reported CUDA version: 11.5.0 09:45:56.001: [StreamFX] Initialized CUDA on device 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti' (3ba25b61-e821-5bb0-94f6-0b3f4c15f581, 000181e5, 1). 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] No supported NVIDIA SDK is installed to provide 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] Failed to make NVIDIA providers available due to error: Failed to load 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] All supported providers failed to initialize, disabling effect. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] No supported NVIDIA SDK is installed to provide 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] Failed to make NVIDIA providers available due to error: Failed to load 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] All supported providers failed to initialize, disabling effect. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] No supported NVIDIA SDK is installed to provide 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] Failed to make NVIDIA Super-Resolution available due to error: Failed to load 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] All supported Super-Resolution providers failed to initialize, disabling effect. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] No supported NVIDIA SDK is installed to provide 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] Failed to make NVIDIA Greenscreen available due to error: Failed to load 'NVCVImage.dll'. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] All supported Virtual Greenscreen providers failed to initialize, disabling effect. 09:45:56.004: [StreamFX] Loaded Version 09:45:56.024: [vlc-video]: VLC 3.0.11 Vetinari found, VLC video source enabled 09:45:56.027: A DeckLink iterator could not be created. The DeckLink drivers may not be installed 09:45:56.028: No blackmagic support 09:45:56.031: --------------------------------- 09:45:56.031: Loaded Modules: 09:45:56.031: win-wasapi.dll 09:45:56.031: win-mf.dll 09:45:56.031: win-dshow.dll 09:45:56.031: win-decklink.dll 09:45:56.031: win-capture.dll 09:45:56.031: vlc-video.dll 09:45:56.031: text-freetype2.dll 09:45:56.031: StreamFX.dll 09:45:56.031: rtmp-services.dll 09:45:56.031: obs_google_caption_plugin.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-x264.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-vst.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-virtualoutput.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-transitions.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-text.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-qsv11.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-outputs.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-filters.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-ffmpeg.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-color-monitor.dll 09:45:56.031: obs-browser.dll 09:45:56.031: move-transition.dll 09:45:56.031: media-controls.dll 09:45:56.031: image-source.dll 09:45:56.031: frontend-tools.dll 09:45:56.031: decklink-ouput-ui.dll 09:45:56.031: decklink-captions.dll 09:45:56.031: coreaudio-encoder.dll 09:45:56.031: audio-monitor.dll 09:45:56.031: $R9NKIHH.dll 09:45:56.031: --------------------------------- 09:45:56.031: google_s2t_caption_plugin 0.20b obs_module_post_load 09:45:56.031: ==== Startup complete =============================================== 09:45:56.045: Switched to Preview/Program mode 09:45:56.045: ------------------------------------------------ 09:45:56.091: All scene data cleared 09:45:56.091: ------------------------------------------------ 09:45:56.097: Switched to scene 'Scene' 09:45:56.100: save_or_load_event_callback 0, -2145703051 09:45:56.150: unknown mute when setting: '' 09:45:56.160: dock: 260 260 fs: 8 09:45:56.160: target: 237 0 09:45:56.162: ------------------------------------------------ 09:45:56.162: Loaded scenes: 09:45:56.162: - scene 'Scene': 09:45:56.162: ------------------------------------------------ 09:45:56.434: OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_FINISHED_LOADING, plugin_manager loaded: 1, 5.15.2 09:45:56.434: enabled: 0, is_streaming 0, streaming_output_enabled 1, streaming_transcripts_enabled 0, is_streaming_relevant: 0, is_recording 0, recording_output_enabled 0, recording_transcripts_enabled 0, is_recording_relevant: 0, is_virtualcam_on 0, virtualcam_transcripts_enabled 0, is_virtualcam_relevant 0, is_preview_open 0, is_text_output_relevant 0, scene_collection_name: , source: '______________________________________audio_output_capture___all_audio_source_lets_hope_no_one_ever_names_a_obs_source_list_this_0', equal_settings 1, do_captioning 0 09:45:56.434: settings changed, disabling captioning 09:47:03.525: User added source 'Text (GDI+)' (text_gdiplus_v2) to scene 'Scene' 09:47:03.555: save_or_load_event_callback 1, -2145703051 09:47:03.555: obs save event 09:47:09.652: save_or_load_event_callback 1, -2145703051 09:47:09.652: obs save event 09:47:33.182: ==== Shutting down ================================================== 09:47:33.187: save_or_load_event_callback 1, -2145703051 09:47:33.187: obs save event 09:47:33.250: All scene data cleared 09:47:33.250: ------------------------------------------------ 09:47:33.250: obs_frontent_exiting, stopping captioner 09:47:33.252: obs_frontent_exiting done 09:47:33.376: [StreamFX] Unloading Version 09:47:33.377: [StreamFX] Finalized. 09:47:33.381: [StreamFX] Unloaded Version 09:47:33.382: google_s2t_caption_plugin 0.20b obs_module_unload 09:47:33.383: [obs-color-monitor] plugin unloaded 09:47:33.410: [Scripting] Total detached callbacks: 0 09:47:33.411: Freeing OBS context data 09:47:33.411: 2 source(s) were remaining