bit = require("bit") local socket = require("ljsocket") local Visca = {} Visca.default_port = 52381 Visca.default_camera_nr = 1 Visca.debug = false Visca.modes = { generic = 0, ptzoptics = 1 } -- Payload type -- Stores the value (Byte 0 and Byte 1) of the following table on the payload division Visca.payload_types = { command = 0x0100, -- VISCA command, Stores the VISCA command. inquiry = 0x0110, -- VISCA inquiry, Stores the VISCA inquiry. reply = 0x0111, -- VISCA reply, Stores the reply for the VISCA command and VISCA inquiry, or VISCA device setting command. setting = 0x0120, -- VISCA device setting command, Stores the VISCA device setting command. control = 0x0200, -- Control command, Stores the control command. reply = 0x0201 -- Control reply, Stores the reply for the control command. } Visca.packet_consts = { req_addr_base = 0x80, command = 0x01, inquiry = 0x09, terminator = 0xFF } Visca.categories = { interface = 0x00, camera1 = 0x04, pan_tilter = 0x06, camera2 = 0x07 } Visca.command_sets = { power = 0x00, preset = 0x3F, } Visca.commands = { preset_recall = 0x02, pantilt_drive = 0x01, pantilt_home = 0x04, pantilt_reset = 0x05, zoom = 0x07, zoom_to = 0x47, } Visca.PanTilt_directions = { upleft = 0x0101, upright = 0x0201, up = 0x0301, downleft = 0x0102, downright = 0x0202, down = 0x0302, left = 0x0103, right = 0x0203, stop = 0x0303, } Visca.Zoom_subcommand = { stop = 0x00, tele_standard = 0x02, wide_standard = 0x03, tele_variable = 0x20, wide_variable = 0x30, } Visca.limits = { PAN_MIN_SPEED = 0x01, PAN_MAX_SPEED = 0x18, TILT_MIN_SPEED = 0x01, TILT_MAX_SPEED = 0x18, ZOOM_MIN_SPEED = 0x00, ZOOM_MAX_SPEED = 0x07, ZOOM_MIN_VALUE = 0x0000, ZOOM_MAX_VALUE = 0x4000, } -- A Visca message is binary data with a message header (8 bytes) and payload (1 to 16 bytes). -- -- Byte: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F -- Payload (byte 0-1): | -- Payload length (byte 2-3): | -- Sequence number (byte 4-7): | -- Payload (byte 8 - max 23): | -- -- The wire format is big-endian (LSB first) function Visca.Message() local self = { command = 0x00, payload_type = 0x0000, payload_size = 0x0000, seq_nr = 0x00000000, payload = {} } function self.lsb(v) return, 0x00FF) end function self.msb(v) return bit.rshift(v, 8) end function self.from_data(data) local message_length = #(data or "") if message_length > 1 then if (string.byte(data, 1) == 0x01 or string.byte(data, 1) == 0x02) and message_length >= 9 and message_length <= 24 then self.command = string.byte(data, 1) * 256 + string.byte(data, 2) self.payload_size = string.byte(data, 3) * 256 + string.byte(data, 4) self.seq_nr = string.byte(data, 5) * 2^24 + string.byte(data, 6) * 2*16 + string.byte(data, 7) * 2*8 + string.byte(data, 8) for b = 1, self.payload_size do table.insert(self.payload, string.byte(data, 8 + b)) end elseif message_length >= 1 and message_length <= 16 then for b = 1, message_length do table.insert(self.payload, string.byte(data, b)) end end end return self end function self.to_data(mode) mode = mode or Visca.modes.generic self.payload_size = #self.payload local data = {} if mode == Visca.modes.generic then data = { self.msb(self.command), self.lsb(self.command), self.msb(self.payload_size), self.lsb(self.payload_size),, 24), 0xFF),, 16), 0xFF),, 8), 0xFF),, 0xFF), } end for b = 1, self.payload_size do table.insert(data, self.payload[b]) end local str_a = {} for _,v in ipairs(data) do table.insert(str_a, string.char(v)) end return table.concat(str_a) end function self.as_string(mode) mode = mode or Visca.modes.generic local bin_str = self.to_data(mode) local bin_len = #(bin_str or "") local str_a = {} for b = 1, bin_len do table.insert(str_a, string.format(' %02X', string.byte(bin_str, b))) end return table.concat(str_a) end return self end function Visca.connect(address, port) port = port or Visca.default_port local sock_addr, sock_err = socket.find_first_address(address, port) local error local connection = { sock = nil, last_seq_nr = 0xFFFFFFFF, address = sock_addr, mode = Visca.modes.generic } if sock_addr then local sock = assert(socket.create("inet", "dgram", "udp")) local success, _ = sock:set_blocking(false) if success then connection.sock = sock end else error = string.format("Unable to connect to %s: %s", address, sock_err) end local function has_value(tbl, value) for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if v == value then return true end end return false end function connection.set_mode(mode) if has_value(Visca.modes, mode or Visca.modes.generic) then connection.mode = mode return true else return false end end function connection.close() local sock = connection.sock if sock ~= nil then sock:close() sock = nil end end function connection.send(message) if connection.last_seq_nr < 0xFFFFFFFF then connection.last_seq_nr = connection.last_seq_nr + 1 else connection.last_seq_nr = 0 end message.seq_nr = connection.last_seq_nr if Visca.debug then print(string.format("Connection send %s", message.as_string(connection.mode))) end local sock = connection.sock if sock ~= nil then return sock:send_to(connection.address, message.to_data(connection.mode)) else return 0 end end function connection.await_ack_for(message) end function connection.await_completion_for(message) end function connection.Cam_Power(on, await_ack, await_completion) local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.camera1, Visca.command_sets.power, on and 0x02 or 0x03, -- On = 0x02, Off = 0x03 Visca.packet_consts.terminator } connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_Preset_Recall(preset) local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.camera1, Visca.command_sets.preset, Visca.commands.preset_recall,, 0x7F), -- Preset Number(=0 to 127) Visca.packet_consts.terminator } connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_PanTilt(direction, pan_speed, tilt_speed) if has_value(Visca.PanTilt_directions, direction or Visca.PanTilt_directions.stop) then pan_speed = math.min(math.max(pan_speed or 1, Visca.limits.PAN_MIN_SPEED), Visca.limits.PAN_MAX_SPEED) tilt_speed = math.min(math.max(tilt_speed or 1, Visca.limits.TILT_MIN_SPEED), Visca.limits.TILT_MAX_SPEED) local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.pan_tilter, Visca.commands.pantilt_drive,, 0x1F), -- lowest 5 bits are only relevant, 0x1F), -- lowest 5 bits are only relevant, 8), 0xFF),, 0xFF), Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) else if Visca.debug then print(string.format("Cam_PanTilt invalid direction (%d)", direction)) end return 0 end end function connection.Cam_PanTilt_Home() local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.pan_tilter, Visca.commands.pantilt_home, Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_PanTilt_Reset() local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.pan_tilter, Visca.commands.pantilt_reset, Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_Zoom(subcommand, speed) if subcommand == Visca.Zoom_subcommand.stop then return connection.Cam_Zoom_Stop() elseif subcommand == Visca.Zoom_subcommand.tele_variable then return connection.Cam_Zoom_Tele(speed) elseif subcommand == Visca.Zoom_subcommand.wide_variable then return connection.Cam_Zoom_Wide(speed) elseif subcommand == Visca.Zoom_subcommand.tele_standard then return connection.Cam_Zoom_Tele(nil) elseif subcommand == Visca.Zoom_subcommand.wide_standard then return connection.Cam_Zoom_Wide(nil) end end function connection.Cam_Zoom_Stop() local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.camera1, Visca.commands.zoom, Visca.Zoom_subcommand.stop, Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_Zoom_Tele(speed) if speed then speed = math.min(math.max(speed or 0x02, Visca.limits.ZOOM_MIN_SPEED), Visca.limits.ZOOM_MAX_SPEED) end local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.camera1, Visca.commands.zoom, speed and bit.bor(Visca.Zoom_subcommand.tele_variable,, 0x07)) or Visca.Zoom_subcommand.tele_standard, Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_Zoom_Wide(speed) if speed then speed = math.min(math.max(speed or 0x02, Visca.limits.ZOOM_MIN_SPEED), Visca.limits.ZOOM_MAX_SPEED) end local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.camera1, Visca.commands.zoom, speed and bit.bor(Visca.Zoom_subcommand.wide_variable,, 0x07)) or Visca.Zoom_subcommand.wide_standard, Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) end function connection.Cam_Zoom_To(zoom) zoom = math.min(math.max(zoom or 0, Visca.limits.ZOOM_MIN_VALUE), Visca.limits.ZOOM_MAX_VALUE) local msg = Visca.Message() msg.command = Visca.payload_types.command msg.payload = { Visca.packet_consts.req_addr_base + or 1, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.command, Visca.categories.camera1, Visca.commands.zoom_to,, 12), 0x0F),, 8), 0x0F),, 4), 0x0F),, 0x0F), Visca.packet_consts.terminator } return connection.send(msg) end if connection.sock then return connection else return nil, error end end return Visca