17:44:58.185: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz 17:44:58.185: CPU Speed: 3504MHz 17:44:58.185: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4 17:44:58.185: Physical Memory: 16249MB Total, 6727MB Free 17:44:58.185: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 18362 (revision: 295; 64-bit) 17:44:58.185: Running as administrator: true 17:44:58.185: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above) 17:44:58.185: Windows 10 Gaming Features: 17:44:58.185: Game Bar: On 17:44:58.185: Game DVR: On 17:44:58.185: Game DVR Background Recording: Off 17:44:58.185: Game Mode: Off 17:44:58.186: Sec. Software Status: 17:44:58.187: Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV) 17:44:58.187: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW) 17:44:58.187: Current Date/Time: 2019-09-10, 17:44:58 17:44:58.187: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true 17:44:58.187: Portable mode: false 17:44:58.453: OBS 24.0.0-rc5 (64-bit, windows) 17:44:58.453: --------------------------------- 17:44:58.453: --------------------------------- 17:44:58.453: audio settings reset: 17:44:58.453: samples per sec: 48000 17:44:58.453: speakers: 6 17:44:58.454: --------------------------------- 17:44:58.454: Initializing D3D11... 17:44:58.454: Available Video Adapters: 17:44:58.456: Adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 17:44:58.456: Dedicated VRAM: 4176478208 17:44:58.456: Shared VRAM: 4224350208 17:44:58.456: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={3840, 2160}, attached=true 17:44:58.456: output 1: pos={-1920, 1093}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true 17:44:58.456: Adapter 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 17:44:58.456: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728 17:44:58.456: Shared VRAM: 4224350208 17:44:58.458: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (0) 17:44:58.506: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000 17:44:58.944: --------------------------------- 17:44:58.944: video settings reset: 17:44:58.944: base resolution: 3840x2160 17:44:58.944: output resolution: 3840x2160 17:44:58.944: downscale filter: Lanczos 17:44:58.944: fps: 60/1 17:44:58.944: format: NV12 17:44:58.944: YUV mode: 601/Partial 17:44:58.945: NV12 texture support enabled 17:44:58.946: Audio monitoring device: 17:44:58.946: name: Default 17:44:58.946: id: default 17:44:58.946: --------------------------------- 17:44:58.978: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded 17:44:58.978: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll' 17:44:59.022: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors. 17:44:59.022: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll' 17:44:59.090: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded 17:44:59.173: [obs-browser]: Version 2.7.5 17:44:59.285: obs-browser: StreamElementsLocalWebFilesServer: folder does not exist: 17:44:59.288: obs-browser: created request context and cookie manager with storage at 'C:\Users\eincr\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio/plugin_config/obs-browser/cef.3.1805.chrome.68.0.3440.84' 17:44:59.300: obs-browser: init: set on-boarding mode due to configuration version mismatch 17:44:59.400: obs-browser: central widget: loading url: https://obs.streamelements.com/welcome 17:44:59.413: obs-browser[1]: StreamElementsCefClient: initialized 17:44:59.508: NVENC supported 17:44:59.536: VLC found, VLC video source enabled 17:44:59.538: No blackmagic support 17:44:59.542: --------------------------------- 17:44:59.542: Loaded Modules: 17:44:59.542: win-wasapi.dll 17:44:59.542: win-mf.dll 17:44:59.542: win-dshow.dll 17:44:59.542: win-decklink.dll 17:44:59.542: win-capture.dll 17:44:59.542: vlc-video.dll 17:44:59.542: text-freetype2.dll 17:44:59.542: rtmp-services.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-x264.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-vst.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-transitions.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-text.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-streamelements.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-qsv11.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-outputs.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-filters.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-ffmpeg.dll 17:44:59.542: obs-browser.dll 17:44:59.542: image-source.dll 17:44:59.542: frontend-tools.dll 17:44:59.542: enc-amf.dll 17:44:59.542: decklink-ouput-ui.dll 17:44:59.542: coreaudio-encoder.dll 17:44:59.542: --------------------------------- 17:44:59.542: ==== Startup complete =============================================== 17:44:59.545: All scene data cleared 17:44:59.545: ------------------------------------------------ 17:44:59.959: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized 17:44:59.972: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' initialized 17:44:59.973: [window-capture: 'Hearthstone Deck'] update settings: 17:44:59.973: executable: Hearthstone Deck Tracker.exe 17:45:00.015: adding 64 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 64 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux) 17:45:00.015: 17:45:00.357: [window-capture: 'MusicBee'] update settings: 17:45:00.357: executable: MusicBee.exe 17:45:00.357: [window-capture: 'MPC-BE'] update settings: 17:45:00.357: executable: mpc-be64.exe 17:45:00.358: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings: 17:45:00.358: executable: Borderlands2.exe 17:45:00.359: [Media Source 'TC: Broadcast Background']: settings: 17:45:00.359: input: G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/-Broadcast Tower Background HEVC.mp4 17:45:00.359: input_format: (null) 17:45:00.359: speed: 100 17:45:00.359: is_looping: yes 17:45:00.359: is_hw_decoding: yes 17:45:00.359: is_clear_on_media_end: yes 17:45:00.359: restart_on_activate: yes 17:45:00.359: close_when_inactive: no 17:45:00.359: MP: Failed to open media: 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/-Broadcast Tower Background HEVC.mp4' 17:45:00.364: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Mask.png': No such file or directory 17:45:00.364: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Mask.png' 17:45:00.368: Switched to scene 'Main' 17:45:00.369: ------------------------------------------------ 17:45:00.369: Loaded scenes: 17:45:00.369: - scene 'Main': 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Window Capture' (window_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Hearthstone Deck' (window_capture) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'BenQ' (monitor_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Acer' (monitor_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'MPC-BE' (window_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'MusicBee' (window_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'MusicBee Now Playing' (text_gdiplus) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Webcam' (dshow_input) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Video Delay (Async)' (async_delay_filter) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Image Mask/Blend' (mask_filter) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Restream Chat' (browser_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'SL: AlertBox' (browser_source) 17:45:00.369: - scene 'Title Card': 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: Broadcast Background' (ffmpeg_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'MusicBee' (window_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: Generic' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: Wolfenstein' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: WoW' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: Witcher 3' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: The Division' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: ROTATING 3' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: ROTATING 2' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'TC: ROTATING' (image_source) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'BRB' (text_gdiplus) 17:45:00.369: - scene 'Aux': 17:45:00.369: - source: 'Image Slide Show' (slideshow) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'MPC-BE' (window_capture) 17:45:00.369: - source: 'WebcamFull' (dshow_input) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:45:00.369: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter) 17:45:00.369: ------------------------------------------------ 17:45:00.522: WhatsNewInfoThread::run: Failed to fetch whatsnew file: 17:45:00.744: obs-browser[1]: start loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (transition_type: 1) 17:45:00.767: obs-browser[1]: completed loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:01.226: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:01.541: Failed to open file 'G:/Livestream/Title Cards/Marlow Briggs.jpg': No such file or directory 17:45:01.541: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/Livestream/Title Cards/Marlow Briggs.jpg' 17:45:01.541: [image_source: 'TC: Wolfenstein'] failed to load texture 'G:/Livestream/Title Cards/Marlow Briggs.jpg' 17:45:01.572: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly 17:45:01.573: warning: Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speed loss 17:45:01.847: obs-browser[1]: start loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/welcome' (transition_type: 40000000) 17:45:01.926: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:02.166: obs-browser[1]: completed loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/welcome' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:02.241: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg': No such file or directory 17:45:02.241: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg' 17:45:02.241: [image_source: 'TC: Generic'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg' 17:45:02.443: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:02.783: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 1, args: [] 17:45:02.783: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 1 17:45:02.784: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 1 17:45:02.785: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'adviseSignedIn', callback id 2, args: [] 17:45:02.785: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'adviseSignedIn', callback id 2 17:45:02.806: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'adviseSignedIn', callback id 2 17:45:02.806: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Advised OBS.Live that user has signed in (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/c2b6d9c290704e12fd8ccb74423fb126a5ee9371/yoink/static/obs-live.bundle.b2f62c7a.js:1) 17:45:02.910: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:03.163: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Heroes of the Storm.png': No such file or directory 17:45:03.163: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Heroes of the Storm.png' 17:45:03.163: [image_source: 'TC: ROTATING 3'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Heroes of the Storm.png' 17:45:03.887: obs-browser[1]: start loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/onboarding' (transition_type: 40000000) 17:45:04.186: obs-browser[1]: completed loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/onboarding' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:04.745: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'hideNotificationBar', callback id 3, args: [] 17:45:04.745: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Manually invoked host ready (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:04.745: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Docking widgets... (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:04.745: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'hideNotificationBar', callback id 3 17:45:04.746: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Setting docking state to (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:04.755: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'hideNotificationBar', callback id 3 17:45:05.746: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Extracting widget to dock (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.746: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Widgets left to dock: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.746: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 4, args: [{"dockingArea":"right","executeJavaScriptOnLoad":"\n (function() {\n window.addEventListener('auxclick', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });\n window.localStorage.setItem('bttv_darkenedMode', true);\n var bttv = document.createElement('script');\n bttv.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js');\n document.head.appendChild(bttv);\n var ffz = document.createElement('script');\n ffz.setAttribute('src','https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/script/script.min.js');\n document.head.appendChild(ffz);\n \n function onHostReady() {\n if (!window.host.setContainerForeignPopupWindowsProperties) return;\n \n window.host.setContainerForeignPopupWindowsProperties({\n executeJavaScriptOnLoad: \"(function() { \" +\n \"window.localStorage.setItem('bttv_darkenedMode', true); \" +\n \"var bttv = document.createElement('script'); \" +\n \"bttv.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js'); \" +\n \"document.head.appendChild(bttv); \" +\n \"var ffz = document.createElement('script'); \" +\n \"ffz.setAttribute('src','https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/script/script.min.js'); \" +\n \"document.head.appendChild(ffz); \" +\n \"})();\"\n }, function(result) {\n });\n }\n\n if (window.host && window.host.hostReady) {\n onHostReady();\n } else {\n window.addEventListener('hostReady', onHostReady.bind(this));\n }\n })();\n\n window.addEventListener(\n 'click',\n function(e) {\n function getAbsoluteUrl(partialUrl) {\n var link = document.createElement(\"a\");\n link.href = partialUrl;\n return link.href;\n }\n\n function hasClass(element, className) {\n if (!element) return false;\n\n for (const part of element.className.toLowerCase().split(' ')) {\n if (part === className.toLowerCase()) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n \n if (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && e.target.href !== '#' && e.target.href !== '') {\n e.preventDefault();\n \n if (hasClass(e.target.parentElement, 'chat-line__message--deleted')) {\n // Deleted message placeholder, do nothing\n }\n else if (hasClass(e.target.parentElement, 'message')) {\n // Chat message link: open desktop browser\n window.host.openDefaultBrowser(e.target.href, function(result) { });\n } \n else if (hasClass(e.target.parentElement, 'tw-tooltip-wrapper')) {\n // Chat message link with tooltip wrapper: open desktop browser\n window.host.openDefaultBrowser(e.target.href, function(result) { });\n } \n else {\n // Other links: open OBS.Live pop-up\n window.host.openPopupWindow(\n {\n url: getAbsoluteUrl(e.target.href),\n enableHostApi: false\n }, function(result) { });\n }\n }\n },\n true);\n ","minHeight":300,"minWidth":320,"title":"Chat","url":"https://twitch.tv/popout/eincrou/chat","visible":true,"width":320}] 17:45:05.747: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 4 17:45:05.753: obs-browser[2]: StreamElementsCefClient: initialized 17:45:05.851: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 4 17:45:05.852: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Docked Chat widget (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.852: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Extracting widget to dock (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.852: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Widgets left to dock: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.852: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 5, args: [{"dockingArea":"left","minHeight":240,"minWidth":375,"title":"Activity feed","url":"https://obs.streamelements.com/activity-feed","visible":true,"width":435}] 17:45:05.856: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 5 17:45:05.862: obs-browser[3]: StreamElementsCefClient: initialized 17:45:05.945: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 5 17:45:05.946: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Docked Activity widget (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.946: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Extracting widget to dock (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.946: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Widgets left to dock: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:05.946: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 6, args: [{"dockingArea":"right","height":240,"minHeight":240,"minWidth":375,"title":"Media request","url":"https://obs.streamelements.com/mediarequest/bootstrap","visible":true,"width":375}] 17:45:05.953: obs-browser[2]: start loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (transition_type: 1) 17:45:05.959: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 6 17:45:05.961: obs-browser[2]: completed loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:05.964: obs-browser[4]: StreamElementsCefClient: initialized 17:45:05.978: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Storage is disabled inside 'data:' URLs. (source: data:text/html;base64,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:4) 17:45:06.031: obs-browser[3]: start loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (transition_type: 1) 17:45:06.037: obs-browser[3]: completed loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:06.078: obs-browser[3]: start loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/activity-feed' (transition_type: 40000000) 17:45:06.081: obs-browser[2]: start loading main frame url 'https://www.twitch.tv/popout/eincrou/chat' (transition_type: 40000000) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'addDockingWidget', callback id 6 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Docked Media request widget (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Extracting widget to dock (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Widgets left to dock: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Skipping docking widget (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Extracting widget to dock (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Widgets left to dock: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Skipping docking widget (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: No widgets to dock. (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Setting docking state to (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.111: obs-browser[1]: API: posting call to 'completeOnBoarding', callback id 7, args: [] 17:45:06.189: obs-browser[4]: start loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (transition_type: 1) 17:45:06.191: obs-browser[4]: completed loading main frame url 'data:text/html;base64,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' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:06.218: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Use `shouldComponentUpdate` in an `observer` based component breaks the behavior of `observer` and might lead to unexpected results. Manually implementing `sCU` should not be needed when using mobx-react. (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.234: obs-browser[4]: start loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/mediarequest/bootstrap' (transition_type: 40000000) 17:45:06.238: obs-browser[1]: API: performing call to 'completeOnBoarding', callback id 7 17:45:06.363: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getSystemCPUUsageTimes', callback id 1, args: [] 17:45:06.363: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 2, args: [] 17:45:06.422: obs-browser[3]: completed loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/activity-feed' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:06.491: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getSystemCPUUsageTimes', callback id 1 17:45:06.491: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Bootstrapping twitch chat service: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.491: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getSystemCPUUsageTimes', callback id 1 17:45:06.491: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 2 17:45:06.491: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 2 17:45:06.494: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 3, args: [] 17:45:06.510: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 4, args: [] 17:45:06.510: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Attaching obs stream listeners... (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.510: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Attached hostStreamingStarted (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.510: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Attached hostStreamingStopped (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.515: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Connecting to global StreamElements socket.. (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 1, args: [] 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Sending word for active widgets (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastMessage', callback id 2, args: [{"payload":{"class":"command","event":{"name":"getActiveMediaShareWidgets"}},"version":1}] 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Booting up CIA systems (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Attaching obs stream listeners... (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Attached hostStreamingStarted (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.580: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Attached hostStreamingStopped (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.601: obs-browser[1]: API: completed call to 'completeOnBoarding', callback id 7 17:45:06.602: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Completed onboarding process (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/f0a7a388ed9bc4e612615cce42abcc35d897ee26/yoink/static/obsonboarding.bundle.db52fa1f.js:2) 17:45:06.609: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 3 17:45:06.609: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 3 17:45:06.610: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 4 17:45:06.610: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 4 17:45:06.610: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 1 17:45:06.611: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 1 17:45:06.611: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastMessage', callback id 2 17:45:06.611: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastMessage', callback id 2 17:45:06.611: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getHostReleaseGroupProperties', callback id 5, args: [] 17:45:06.613: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getHostReleaseGroupProperties', callback id 5 17:45:06.613: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getHostReleaseGroupProperties', callback id 5 17:45:06.638: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 3, args: [] 17:45:06.638: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Received Host message (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.638: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Word for active widgets sent. (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.638: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 3 17:45:06.639: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 3 17:45:06.649: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Fetching stream info from Twitch (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.650: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Welcome to Operation Skynet (Custom bot name) (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.650: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 6, args: [] 17:45:06.650: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 6 17:45:06.650: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 6 17:45:06.657: obs-browser[4]: completed loading main frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/mediarequest/bootstrap' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 7, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-mute":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-pause":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-skip":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.cup-empty":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.overlays-reload":true},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 8, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen-pump":true},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 7 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 9, args: [] 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 7 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 8 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 8 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 9 17:45:06.686: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 9 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Connected to global StreamElements socket (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 10, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-pause","state":"alerts-pause-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 10 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 11, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-mute","state":"alerts-mute-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 10 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 11 17:45:06.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 11 17:45:06.692: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 12, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen-pump":false},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 17:45:06.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 12 17:45:06.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 12 17:45:06.708: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Authenticated (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.710: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Successfully subscribed to socket room (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.748: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 13, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-mute","state":"alerts-mute-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:06.748: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 13 17:45:06.748: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 13 17:45:06.772: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: HEAP: Identifying user (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.772: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 4, args: [] 17:45:06.772: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: HEAP: User identified (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:06.773: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 4 17:45:06.773: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getHostProperties', callback id 4 17:45:06.781: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 14, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-pause","state":"alerts-pause-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:06.782: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 14 17:45:06.782: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 14 17:45:06.798: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getHostReleaseGroupProperties', callback id 15, args: [] 17:45:06.798: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getHostReleaseGroupProperties', callback id 15 17:45:06.798: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getHostReleaseGroupProperties', callback id 15 17:45:06.799: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'queryHostReleaseGroupUpdateAvailability', callback id 16, args: [] 17:45:06.799: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'queryHostReleaseGroupUpdateAvailability', callback id 16 17:45:06.800: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'queryHostReleaseGroupUpdateAvailability', callback id 16 17:45:06.820: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 17, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen-pump":true},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 17:45:06.820: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 17 17:45:06.820: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 17 17:45:06.915: obs-browser[2]: completed loading main frame url 'https://www.twitch.tv/popout/eincrou/chat' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:06.925: obs-browser[2]: API: posting call to 'setContainerForeignPopupWindowsProperties', callback id 1, args: [{"executeJavaScriptOnLoad":"(function() { window.localStorage.setItem('bttv_darkenedMode', true); var bttv = document.createElement('script'); bttv.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js'); document.head.appendChild(bttv); var ffz = document.createElement('script'); ffz.setAttribute('src','https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/script/script.min.js'); document.head.appendChild(ffz); })();"}] 17:45:06.925: obs-browser[2]: API: performing call to 'setContainerForeignPopupWindowsProperties', callback id 1 17:45:06.925: obs-browser[2]: API: completed call to 'setContainerForeignPopupWindowsProperties', callback id 1 17:45:06.989: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Stream is offline (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:06.993: obs-browser[4]: start loading child frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/mememachine' (transition_type: 3) 17:45:07.019: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Fetched (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.111: obs-browser[4]: start loading child frame url 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/?fs=0&autoplay=1&controls=0&modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&widget_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fobs.streamelements.com%2Fmediarequest&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fobs.streamelements.com&widgetid=1' (transition_type: 3) 17:45:07.210: obs-browser[2]: start loading child frame url 'about:blank' (transition_type: 3) 17:45:07.212: obs-browser[2]: completed loading child frame url 'about:blank' (HTTP status code: 0) 17:45:07.247: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Fetched (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.247: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Pruned backup playlist, starting from (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.247: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Removed (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.247: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Connecting to global StreamElements socket.. (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.264: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Skipping connection for custom bot name because the selected option is not compatible (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:45:07.266: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: [Emote Menu] (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.296: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 5, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-mute":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-next-item":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-nudge-volume-down":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-nudge-volume-up":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-pause":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play-pause":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-prev-item":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-set-volume-level":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-show-on-stream":true,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-video":true},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 17:45:07.296: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 5 17:45:07.296: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 5 17:45:07.305: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 6, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request","state":"media-request-on"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.305: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 7, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-video","state":"media-request-video-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 6 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 8, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-mute","state":"media-request-mute-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 9, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play-pause","state":"media-request-pause-on"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 10, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-show-on-stream","state":"media-request-widget-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 6 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 7 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 7 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 8 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 8 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 9 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 9 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 10 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 10 17:45:07.306: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Saving media request settings with options (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.307: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 11, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request","state":"media-request-on"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 11 17:45:07.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 11 17:45:07.307: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 12, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-video","state":"media-request-video-off"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 12 17:45:07.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 12 17:45:07.311: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Connected to global StreamElements socket (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.315: obs-browser[4]: completed loading child frame url 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/?fs=0&autoplay=1&controls=0&modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&widget_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fobs.streamelements.com%2Fmediarequest&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fobs.streamelements.com&widgetid=1' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:07.316: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Mememachine api is ready (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.316: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Iframe loaded (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.316: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Getting current controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.316: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Listening for controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.317: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Cuing initial video (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.321: obs-browser[4]: completed loading child frame url 'https://obs.streamelements.com/mememachine' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:07.334: obs-browser[4]: start loading child frame url 'about:blank' (transition_type: 3) 17:45:07.334: obs-browser[4]: completed loading child frame url 'about:blank' (HTTP status code: 0) 17:45:07.412: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Getting current controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.413: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Listening for controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.413: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Cuing initial video (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.414: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Authenticated (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.438: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 13, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play-pause","state":"media-request-pause-on"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.438: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 13 17:45:07.438: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 13 17:45:07.438: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 14, args: [{"data":{"function":"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play-pause","state":"media-request-pause-on"},"name":"SYS$REPORT:STATE:FUNCTION"}] 17:45:07.439: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 14 17:45:07.439: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 14 17:45:07.443: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.444: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csettings%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.445: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.447: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.455: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%ccore%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.457: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.462: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.463: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csettings%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.464: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.465: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%craven%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.466: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.switchboard%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.466: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.switchboard%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.482: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.482: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.483: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.switchboard%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.483: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.484: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.491: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Successfully subscribed to songrequest updates (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.631: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.635: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.636: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.641: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.645: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.648: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.649: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.649: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.665: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.666: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.666: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.685: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.web_munch%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.689: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Fetched (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.689: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Pruned backup playlist, starting from (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.689: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Removed (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.692: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cexperiments%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.710: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.chat%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.722: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%ccore%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.761: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cmain_menu%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.773: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.badges%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.773: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.badges%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.792: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.badges%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.792: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.badges%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.856: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:07.863: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: Uncaught (in promise) # (source: https://www.twitch.tv/popout/eincrou/chat:0) 17:45:07.915: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Getting current controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:07.915: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Listening for controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:08.165: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.emotes%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.165: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.emotes%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.166: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.emotes%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.168: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.168: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.168: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.168: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.168: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.175: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.183: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.183: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.186: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.188: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.199: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.209: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.213: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csite.fine%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.220: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.emotes%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.407: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%cchat.emoji%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:08.522: obs-browser[2]: start loading child frame url 'https://cdn.krxd.net/partnerjs/xdi/proxy.3d2100fd7107262ecb55ce6847f01fa5.html#!kxcid=JYk8LCsC&kxt=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitch.tv&kxcl=cdn&kxp=' (transition_type: 3) 17:45:08.633: obs-browser[2]: start loading child frame url 'about:blank' (transition_type: 3) 17:45:08.633: obs-browser[2]: completed loading child frame url 'about:blank' (HTTP status code: 0) 17:45:08.651: obs-browser[2]: completed loading child frame url 'https://cdn.krxd.net/partnerjs/xdi/proxy.3d2100fd7107262ecb55ce6847f01fa5.html#!kxcid=JYk8LCsC&kxt=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitch.tv&kxcl=cdn&kxp=' (HTTP status code: 200) 17:45:08.791: obs-browser[2]: error loading child frame url 'https://match.prod.bidr.io/cookie-msync?buzz_key=twitch': ERR_ABORTED (-3) 17:45:08.916: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Received 0 active controllers, claiming control (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:08.916: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: notifyVolumeChange: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:08.917: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: notifyVolumeChange: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:12.464: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csettings%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.betterttv.net/betterttv.js:192) 17:45:41.022: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Getting current controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:41.022: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Listening for controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:41.022: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: notifyVolumeChange: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:41.910: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Getting current controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:41.911: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Listening for controllers (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:41.911: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: notifyVolumeChange: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:42.911: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: Received 0 active controllers, claiming control (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:42.911: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: notifyVolumeChange: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:42.911: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: notifyVolumeChange: (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 17:45:56.530: Switched to scene '(null)' 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 18, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 15, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 19, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 16, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 20, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 17, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 18, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 19, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 20, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 21, args: [] 17:45:56.533: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 21, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 22, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 22, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 23, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 23, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 24, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 24, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 25, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 26, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 27, args: [] 17:45:56.534: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 28, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 29, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 25, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 30, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 31, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 26, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 27, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 28, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 29, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 30, args: [] 17:45:56.535: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 31, args: [] 17:45:56.558: Last log entry repeated for 113 more lines 17:45:56.558: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' Terminated 17:45:56.558: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 90, args: [] 17:45:56.558: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 91, args: [] 17:45:56.558: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 92, args: [] 17:45:56.558: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 87, args: [] 17:45:56.562: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 88, args: [] 17:45:56.562: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 89, args: [] 17:45:56.566: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 90, args: [] 17:45:56.566: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' Terminated 17:45:56.566: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 91, args: [] 17:45:56.566: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 92, args: [] 17:45:56.566: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 93, args: [] 17:45:56.566: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 93, args: [] 17:45:56.567: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 94, args: [] 17:45:56.567: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 95, args: [] 17:45:56.567: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 96, args: [] 17:45:56.569: All scene data cleared 17:45:56.569: ------------------------------------------------ 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 94, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 97, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 98, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 95, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 99, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 96, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 100, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 97, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 101, args: [] 17:45:56.570: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 98, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 99, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 102, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 103, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 100, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 101, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 104, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 102, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 105, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 106, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 103, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 107, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 104, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 108, args: [] 17:45:56.571: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 105, args: [] 17:45:56.651: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 109, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 106, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 107, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 110, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 108, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 111, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 109, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 110, args: [] 17:45:56.652: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 112, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 111, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 113, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 112, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 114, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 113, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 115, args: [] 17:45:56.653: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 116, args: [] 17:45:56.658: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' initialized 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 117, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 114, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 118, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 115, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 119, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 116, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 120, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 117, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 118, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 121, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 119, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 122, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 120, args: [] 17:45:56.660: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 123, args: [] 17:45:56.661: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 124, args: [] 17:45:56.661: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 121, args: [] 17:45:56.691: WASAPI: Device 'CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' initialized 17:45:57.943: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:58.277: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 125, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 126, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 127, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 128, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 129, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 122, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 130, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 123, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 131, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 124, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 132, args: [] 17:45:58.278: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 125, args: [] 17:45:58.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 126, args: [] 17:45:58.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 127, args: [] 17:45:58.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 128, args: [] 17:45:58.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 129, args: [] 17:45:58.533: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:59.048: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:59.277: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 133, args: [] 17:45:59.277: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 134, args: [] 17:45:59.277: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 135, args: [] 17:45:59.277: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 136, args: [] 17:45:59.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 137, args: [] 17:45:59.278: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 130, args: [] 17:45:59.278: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 138, args: [] 17:45:59.278: [window-capture: 'MusicBee'] update settings: 17:45:59.278: executable: MusicBee.exe 17:45:59.278: [window-capture: 'Deck'] update settings: 17:45:59.278: executable: Hearthstone Deck Tracker.exe 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 131, args: [] 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 132, args: [] 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 133, args: [] 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 139, args: [] 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 134, args: [] 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 135, args: [] 17:45:59.279: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 140, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 141, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 142, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 136, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 143, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 137, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 144, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 138, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 139, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 140, args: [] 17:45:59.280: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 141, args: [] 17:45:59.287: [window-capture: 'MPC-BE'] update settings: 17:45:59.287: executable: mpc-be64.exe 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 145, args: [] 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 146, args: [] 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 142, args: [] 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 147, args: [] 17:45:59.288: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings: 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 148, args: []17:45:59.288: executable: Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 143, args: [] 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 149, args: [] 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 144, args: [] 17:45:59.288: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 150, args: [] 17:45:59.289: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 145, args: [] 17:45:59.289: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 146, args: [] 17:45:59.289: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 147, args: [] 17:45:59.526: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:45:59.765: [Media Source 'TC: Broadcast Background']: settings: 17:45:59.765: input: G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/-Broadcast Tower Background HEVC.mp4 17:45:59.765: input_format: (null) 17:45:59.765: speed: 100 17:45:59.765: is_looping: yes 17:45:59.765: is_hw_decoding: yes 17:45:59.765: is_clear_on_media_end: yes 17:45:59.765: restart_on_activate: yes 17:45:59.765: close_when_inactive: no 17:45:59.765: MP: Failed to open media: 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/-Broadcast Tower Background HEVC.mp4' 17:45:59.766: [window-capture: 'Window Capture 2'] update settings: 17:45:59.766: executable: Discord.exe 17:45:59.771: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 151, args: [] 17:45:59.771: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 152, args: [] 17:45:59.771: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 153, args: [] 17:45:59.771: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 154, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 155, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 156, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 157, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 158, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 159, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 160, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 161, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 162, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 163, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 164, args: [] 17:45:59.772: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 165, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 166, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 167, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 168, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 169, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 170, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 171, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 172, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 173, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 174, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 148, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 149, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 150, args: [] 17:45:59.773: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 151, args: [] 17:45:59.774: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 152, args: [] 17:45:59.774: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 153, args: [] 17:45:59.774: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 154, args: [] 17:45:59.787: Last log entry repeated for 249 more lines 17:45:59.787: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Mask.png': No such file or directory 17:45:59.787: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Mask.png' 17:46:00.048: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:46:00.518: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:46:01.013: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:46:01.230: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg': No such file or directory 17:46:01.230: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg' 17:46:01.230: [image_source: 'TC: Generic'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg' 17:46:01.230: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Border 2.png': No such file or directory 17:46:01.230: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Border 2.png' 17:46:01.230: [image_source: 'Webcam Overlay'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Border 2.png' 17:46:01.231: Switched to scene 'Title Card' 17:46:01.231: ------------------------------------------------ 17:46:01.231: Loaded scenes: 17:46:01.231: - scene 'Main': 17:46:01.231: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture) 17:46:01.231: - filter: 'Scaling/Aspect Ratio' (scale_filter) 17:46:01.231: - source: 'Window Capture' (window_capture) 17:46:01.231: - filter: 'Scaling/Aspect Ratio' (scale_filter) 17:46:01.231: - source: 'Window Capture 2' (window_capture) 17:46:01.231: - source: 'MPC-BE' (window_capture) 17:46:01.231: - source: 'Acer' (monitor_capture) 17:46:01.231: - filter: 'Scaling/Aspect Ratio' (scale_filter) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'BenQ' (monitor_capture) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Deck' (window_capture) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Color Key' (color_key_filter) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Webcam Overlay' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'MusicBee' (window_capture) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'MusicBee Now Playing' (text_gdiplus) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Webcam' (dshow_input) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Video Delay (Async)' (async_delay_filter) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Image Mask/Blend' (mask_filter) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Restream Chat' (browser_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'SL: AlertBox' (browser_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'SE: Media Request' (browser_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Media Request' (browser_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Image' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - scene 'Title Card': 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: Broadcast Background' (ffmpeg_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: Generic' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: No Man's Sky' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: Satisfactory' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: Hearthstone' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: World of Warcraft' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: ROTATING 3' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: ROTATING 2' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'TC: ROTATING' (image_source) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'MusicBee' (window_capture) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'BRB' (text_gdiplus) 17:46:01.232: - scene 'Aux': 17:46:01.232: - source: 'Image Slide Show' (slideshow) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'MPC-BE' (window_capture) 17:46:01.232: - source: 'WebcamFull' (dshow_input) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter) 17:46:01.232: - filter: 'Video Delay (Async)' (async_delay_filter) 17:46:01.232: ------------------------------------------------ 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 291, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 292, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 293, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 288, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 294, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 289, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 290, args: [] 17:46:01.232: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 291, args: [] 17:46:01.261: Switched to scene collection '1080p' (1080p.json) 17:46:01.261: ------------------------------------------------ 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 18 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 18 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 15 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 15 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 19 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 19 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 16 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 16 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 20 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 20 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 17 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 17 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 18 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 18 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 19 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 19 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 20 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 20 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 21 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 21 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 21 17:46:01.301: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 21 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 22 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 22 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 22 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 22 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 23 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 23 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 23 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 23 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 24 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 24 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 24 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 24 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 25 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 25 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 26 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 26 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 27 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 27 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 28 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 28 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 29 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 29 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 25 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 25 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 30 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 30 17:46:01.302: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 31 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 31 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 26 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 26 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 27 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 27 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 28 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 28 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 29 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 29 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 30 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 30 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 31 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 31 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 32 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 32 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 33 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 33 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 34 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 34 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 35 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 35 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 36 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 36 17:46:01.303: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 32 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 32 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 33 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 33 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 37 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 37 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 38 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 38 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 39 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 39 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 34 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 34 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 35 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 35 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 36 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 36 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 37 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 37 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 40 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 40 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 41 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 41 17:46:01.304: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 42 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 42 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 38 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 38 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 39 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 39 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 43 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 43 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 44 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 44 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 45 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 45 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 46 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 46 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 40 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 40 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 41 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 41 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 42 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 42 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 43 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 43 17:46:01.305: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 44 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 44 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 45 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 45 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 46 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 46 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 47 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 47 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 48 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 48 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 49 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 49 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 50 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 50 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 51 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 51 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 52 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 52 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 53 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 53 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 54 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 54 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 55 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 55 17:46:01.306: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 56 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 56 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 57 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 57 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 58 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 58 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 59 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 59 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 60 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 60 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 61 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 61 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 62 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 62 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 63 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 63 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 64 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 64 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 65 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 65 17:46:01.307: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 66 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 66 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 67 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 67 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 68 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 68 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 69 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 69 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 47 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 47 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 70 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 70 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 71 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 71 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 48 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 48 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 72 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 72 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 73 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 73 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 74 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 74 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 49 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 49 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 75 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 75 17:46:01.308: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 76 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 76 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 50 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 50 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 51 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 51 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 77 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 77 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 52 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 52 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 78 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 78 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 79 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 79 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 53 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 53 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 54 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 54 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 80 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 80 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 55 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 55 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 81 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 81 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 56 17:46:01.309: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 56 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 57 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 57 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 82 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 82 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 58 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 58 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 59 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 59 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 83 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 83 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 60 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 60 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 84 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 84 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 61 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 61 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 85 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 85 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 62 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 62 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 86 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 86 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 63 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 63 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 64 17:46:01.310: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 64 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 65 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 65 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 66 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 66 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 67 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 67 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 68 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 68 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 69 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 69 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 70 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 70 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 71 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 71 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 72 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 72 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 73 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 73 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 74 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 74 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 75 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 75 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 76 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 76 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 77 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 77 17:46:01.311: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 78 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 78 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 79 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 79 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 80 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 80 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 81 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 81 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 82 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 82 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 83 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 83 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 84 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 84 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 85 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 85 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 86 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 86 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 87 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 87 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 88 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 88 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 89 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 89 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 90 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 90 17:46:01.312: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 91 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 91 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 92 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 92 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 87 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 87 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 88 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 88 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 89 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 89 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 90 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 90 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 91 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 91 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 92 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 92 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 93 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 93 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 93 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 93 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 94 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 94 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 95 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 95 17:46:01.313: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 96 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 96 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 94 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 94 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 97 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 97 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 98 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 98 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 95 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 95 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 99 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 99 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 96 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 96 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 100 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 100 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 97 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 97 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 101 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 101 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 98 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 98 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 99 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 99 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 102 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 102 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 103 17:46:01.314: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 103 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 100 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 100 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 101 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 101 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 104 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 104 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 102 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 102 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 105 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 105 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 106 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 106 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 103 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 103 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 107 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 107 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 104 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 104 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 108 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 108 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 105 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 105 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 109 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 109 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 106 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 106 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 107 17:46:01.315: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 107 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 110 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 110 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 108 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 108 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 111 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 111 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 109 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 109 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 110 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 110 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 112 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 112 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 111 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 111 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 113 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 113 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 112 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 112 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 114 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 114 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 113 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 113 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 115 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 115 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 116 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 116 17:46:01.316: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 117 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 117 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 114 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 114 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 118 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 118 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 115 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 115 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 119 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 119 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 116 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 116 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 120 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 120 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 117 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 117 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 118 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 118 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 121 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 121 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 119 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 119 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 122 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 122 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 120 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 120 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 123 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 123 17:46:01.317: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 124 17:46:01.318: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 124 17:46:01.318: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 121 17:46:01.318: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 121 17:46:01.319: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 125 17:46:01.319: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 125 17:46:01.319: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 126 17:46:01.319: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 126 17:46:01.319: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 127 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 127 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 128 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 128 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 129 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 129 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 122 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 122 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 130 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 130 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 123 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 123 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 131 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 131 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 124 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 124 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 132 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 132 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 125 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 125 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 126 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 126 17:46:01.320: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 127 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 127 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 128 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 128 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 129 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 129 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 133 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 133 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 134 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 134 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 135 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 135 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 136 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 136 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 137 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 137 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 130 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 130 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 138 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 138 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 131 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 131 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 132 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 132 17:46:01.321: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 133 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 133 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 139 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 139 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 134 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 134 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 135 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 135 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 140 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 140 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 141 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 141 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 142 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 142 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 136 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 136 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 143 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 143 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 137 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 137 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 144 17:46:01.322: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 144 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 138 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 138 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 139 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 139 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 140 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 140 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 141 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 141 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 145 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 145 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 146 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 146 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 142 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 142 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 147 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 147 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 148 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 148 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 143 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 143 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 149 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 149 17:46:01.323: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 144 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 144 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 150 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 150 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 145 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 145 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 146 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 146 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 147 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 147 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 151 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 151 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 152 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 152 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 153 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 153 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 154 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 154 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 155 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 155 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 156 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 156 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 157 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 157 17:46:01.324: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 158 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 158 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 159 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 159 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 160 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 160 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 161 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 161 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 162 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 162 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 163 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 163 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 164 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 164 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 165 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 165 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 166 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 166 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 167 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 167 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 168 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 168 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 169 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 169 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 170 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 170 17:46:01.325: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 171 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 171 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 172 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 172 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 173 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 173 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 174 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 174 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 148 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 148 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 149 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 149 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 150 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 150 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 151 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 151 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 152 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 152 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 153 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 153 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 154 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 154 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 155 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 155 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 156 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 156 17:46:01.326: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 157 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 157 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 158 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 158 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 159 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 159 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 160 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 160 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 161 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 161 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 162 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 162 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 163 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 163 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 164 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 164 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 165 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 165 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 166 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 166 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 167 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 167 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 168 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 168 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 169 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 169 17:46:01.327: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 170 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 170 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 171 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 171 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 172 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 172 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 173 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 173 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 174 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 174 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 175 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 175 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 176 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 176 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 177 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 177 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 178 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 178 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 179 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 179 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 180 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 180 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 181 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 181 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 182 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 182 17:46:01.328: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 183 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 183 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 184 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 184 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 185 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 185 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 186 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 186 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 187 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 187 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 188 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 188 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 189 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 189 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 190 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 190 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 191 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 191 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 192 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 192 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 193 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 193 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 194 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 194 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 195 17:46:01.329: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 195 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 196 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 196 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 197 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 197 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 198 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 198 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 199 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 199 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 200 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 200 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 201 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 201 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 175 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 175 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 176 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 176 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 177 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 177 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 178 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 178 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 179 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 179 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 180 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 180 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 181 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 181 17:46:01.330: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 182 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 182 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 183 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 183 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 184 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 184 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 185 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 185 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 186 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 186 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 187 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 187 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 188 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 188 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 189 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 189 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 190 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 190 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 191 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 191 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 192 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 192 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 193 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 193 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 194 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 194 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 195 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 195 17:46:01.331: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 196 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 196 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 197 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 197 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 198 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 198 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 199 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 199 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 200 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 200 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 201 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 201 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 202 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 202 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 203 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 203 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 204 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 204 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 205 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 205 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 206 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 206 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 207 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 207 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 208 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 208 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 209 17:46:01.332: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 209 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 210 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 210 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 211 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 211 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 212 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 212 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 213 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 213 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 214 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 214 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 215 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 215 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 216 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 216 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 217 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 217 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 218 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 218 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 219 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 219 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 220 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 220 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 221 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 221 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 222 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 222 17:46:01.333: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 223 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 223 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 224 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 224 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 225 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 225 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 226 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 226 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 227 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 227 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 228 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 228 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 229 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 229 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 230 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 230 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 231 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 231 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 232 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 232 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 233 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 233 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 234 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 234 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 235 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 235 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 236 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 236 17:46:01.334: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 237 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 237 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 238 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 238 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 239 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 239 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 240 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 240 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 241 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 241 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 242 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 242 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 243 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 243 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 244 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 244 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 245 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 245 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 246 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 246 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 247 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 247 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 248 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 248 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 249 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 249 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 250 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 250 17:46:01.335: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 251 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 251 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 252 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 252 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 253 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 253 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 254 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 254 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 255 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 255 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 256 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 256 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 257 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 257 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 258 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 258 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 259 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 259 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 260 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 260 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 261 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 261 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 262 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 262 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 263 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 263 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 264 17:46:01.336: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 264 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 265 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 265 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 266 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 266 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 267 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 267 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 268 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 268 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 269 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 269 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 270 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 270 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 271 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 271 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 272 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 272 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 273 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 273 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 274 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 274 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 275 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 275 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 276 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 276 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 277 17:46:01.337: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 277 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 278 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 278 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 279 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 279 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 280 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 280 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 281 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 281 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 282 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 282 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 283 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 283 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 284 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 284 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 285 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 285 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 286 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 286 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 287 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 287 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 288 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 288 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 289 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 289 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 290 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 290 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 202 17:46:01.338: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 202 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 203 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 203 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 204 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 204 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 205 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 205 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 206 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 206 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 207 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 207 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 208 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 208 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 209 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 209 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 210 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 210 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 211 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 211 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 212 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 212 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 213 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 213 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 214 17:46:01.339: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 214 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 215 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 215 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 216 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 216 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 217 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 217 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 218 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 218 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 219 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 219 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 220 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 220 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 221 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 221 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 222 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 222 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 223 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 223 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 224 17:46:01.340: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 224 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 225 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 225 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 226 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 226 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 227 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 227 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 228 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 228 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 229 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 229 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 230 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 230 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 231 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 231 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 232 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 232 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 233 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 233 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 234 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 234 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 235 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 235 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 236 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 236 17:46:01.341: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 237 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 237 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 238 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 238 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 239 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 239 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 240 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 240 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 241 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 241 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 242 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 242 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 243 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 243 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 244 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 244 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 245 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 245 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 246 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 246 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 247 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 247 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 248 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 248 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 249 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 249 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 250 17:46:01.342: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 250 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 251 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 251 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 252 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 252 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 253 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 253 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 254 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 254 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 255 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 255 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 256 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 256 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 257 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 257 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 258 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 258 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 259 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 259 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 260 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 260 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 261 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 261 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 262 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 262 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 263 17:46:01.343: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 263 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 264 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 264 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 265 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 265 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 266 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 266 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 267 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 267 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 268 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 268 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 269 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 269 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 270 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 270 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 271 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 271 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 272 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 272 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 273 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 273 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 274 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 274 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 275 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 275 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 276 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 276 17:46:01.344: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 277 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 277 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 278 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 278 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 279 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 279 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 280 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 280 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 281 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 281 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 282 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 282 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 283 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 283 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 284 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 284 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 285 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 285 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 286 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 286 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 287 17:46:01.345: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 287 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 291 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 291 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 292 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 292 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 293 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 293 17:46:01.346: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 288 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 288 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 294 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 294 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 289 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 289 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 290 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 290 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 291 17:46:01.347: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 291 17:46:05.981: --------------------------------- 17:46:05.981: video settings reset: 17:46:05.981: base resolution: 1920x1080 17:46:05.981: output resolution: 1920x1080 17:46:05.981: downscale filter: Lanczos 17:46:05.981: fps: 60/1 17:46:05.981: format: NV12 17:46:05.981: YUV mode: 601/Partial 17:46:05.981: NV12 texture support enabled 17:46:05.992: Audio monitoring device: 17:46:05.992: name: Default 17:46:05.992: id: default 17:46:05.992: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 295, args: [] 17:46:05.992: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 292, args: [] 17:46:05.992: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 293, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 294, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 295, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 296, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 296, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 297, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 298, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 299, args: [] 17:46:05.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 300, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 301, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 297, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 302, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 298, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 299, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 300, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 301, args: [] 17:46:05.994: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 302, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 303, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 303, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 304, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 304, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 305, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 305, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 306, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 307, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 306, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 308, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 307, args: [] 17:46:05.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 308, args: [] 17:46:06.035: Last log entry repeated for 35 more lines 17:46:06.035: Switched to profile '[Recording] 1080p' (Recording_1080p) 17:46:06.035: ------------------------------------------------ 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 295 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 295 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 292 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 292 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 293 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 293 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 294 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 294 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 295 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 295 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 296 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 296 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 296 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 296 17:46:06.037: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 297 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 297 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 298 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 298 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 299 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 299 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 300 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 300 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 301 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 301 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 297 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 297 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 302 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 302 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 298 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 298 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 299 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 299 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 300 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 300 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 301 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 301 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 302 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 302 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 303 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 303 17:46:06.038: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 303 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 303 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 304 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 304 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 304 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 304 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 305 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 305 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 305 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 305 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 306 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 306 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 307 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 307 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 306 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 306 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 308 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 308 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 307 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 307 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 308 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 308 17:46:06.039: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 309 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 309 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 309 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 309 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 310 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 310 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 310 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 310 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 311 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 311 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 311 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 311 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 312 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 312 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 312 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 312 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 313 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 313 17:46:06.040: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 314 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 314 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 313 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 313 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 315 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 315 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 314 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 314 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 316 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 316 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 317 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 317 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 315 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 315 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 318 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 318 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 316 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 316 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 317 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 317 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 318 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 318 17:46:06.041: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 319 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 319 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 319 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 319 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 320 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 320 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 321 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 321 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 320 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 320 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 322 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 322 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 323 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 323 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 324 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 324 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 321 17:46:06.042: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 321 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 322 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 322 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 323 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 323 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 324 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 324 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 325 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 325 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 326 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 326 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 327 17:46:06.043: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 327 17:50:06.989: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Fetching stream info from Twitch (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:50:07.182: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Stream is offline (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:51:28.649: --------------------------------- 17:51:28.649: video settings reset: 17:51:28.649: base resolution: 2560x1440 17:51:28.649: output resolution: 2560x1440 17:51:28.649: downscale filter: Lanczos 17:51:28.649: fps: 60/1 17:51:28.649: format: NV12 17:51:28.649: YUV mode: 601/Partial 17:51:28.650: NV12 texture support enabled 17:51:28.653: Audio monitoring device: 17:51:28.653: name: Default 17:51:28.653: id: default 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 328, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 329, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 330, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 331, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 332, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 333, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 334, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 335, args: [] 17:51:28.654: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 336, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 337, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 325, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 338, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 339, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 340, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 341, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 342, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 326, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 327, args: [] 17:51:28.655: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 328, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 329, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 343, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 330, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 344, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 345, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 346, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 347, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 331, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 348, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 332, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 333, args: [] 17:51:28.656: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 334, args: [] 17:51:28.669: Last log entry repeated for 35 more lines 17:51:28.669: Switched to profile '[Recording] 1440p' (Recording_1440p) 17:51:28.669: ------------------------------------------------ 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 328 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 328 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 329 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 329 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 330 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 330 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 331 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 331 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 332 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 332 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 333 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 333 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 334 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 334 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 335 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 335 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 336 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 336 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 337 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 337 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 325 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 325 17:51:28.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 338 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 338 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 339 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 339 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 340 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 340 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 341 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 341 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 342 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 342 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 326 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 326 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 327 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 327 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 328 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 328 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 329 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 329 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 343 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 343 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 330 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 330 17:51:28.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 344 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 344 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 345 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 345 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 346 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 346 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 347 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 347 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 331 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 331 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 348 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 348 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 332 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 332 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 333 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 333 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 334 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 334 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 335 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 335 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 349 17:51:28.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 349 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 336 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 336 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 337 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 337 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 350 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 350 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 338 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 338 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 351 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 351 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 339 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 339 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 352 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 352 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 340 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 340 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 341 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 341 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 342 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 342 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 343 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 343 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 353 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 353 17:51:28.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 354 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 354 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 344 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 344 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 345 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 345 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 355 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 355 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 346 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 346 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 356 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 356 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 347 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 347 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 357 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 357 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 358 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 358 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 348 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 348 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 359 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 359 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 349 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 349 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 350 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 350 17:51:28.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 351 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 351 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 360 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 360 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 352 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 352 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 353 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 353 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 354 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 354 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 355 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 355 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 356 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 356 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 357 17:51:28.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 357 17:51:31.865: Switched to scene '(null)' 17:51:31.866: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 361, args: [] 17:51:31.866: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 358, args: [] 17:51:31.866: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 359, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 360, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 362, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 361, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 363, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 364, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 365, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 366, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 362, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 367, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 368, args: [] 17:51:31.867: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 363, args: [] 17:51:31.868: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 364, args: [] 17:51:31.868: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 369, args: [] 17:51:31.868: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 370, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 365, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 371, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 372, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 366, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 367, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 368, args: [] 17:51:31.869: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 369, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 370, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 371, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 372, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 373, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 373, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 374, args: [] 17:51:31.870: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 374, args: [] 17:51:31.884: Last log entry repeated for 130 more lines 17:51:31.884: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' Terminated 17:51:31.884: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 442, args: [] 17:51:31.884: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 443, args: [] 17:51:31.884: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 444, args: [] 17:51:31.884: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 445, args: [] 17:51:31.885: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 438, args: [] 17:51:31.885: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 439, args: [] 17:51:31.885: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 440, args: [] 17:51:31.885: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 441, args: [] 17:51:31.885: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 442, args: [] 17:51:31.893: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 446, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 443, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 447, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 444, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 448, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 445, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 446, args: [] 17:51:31.894: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 449, args: [] 17:51:31.894: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' Terminated 17:51:31.897: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 450, args: [] 17:51:31.897: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 447, args: [] 17:51:31.897: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 451, args: [] 17:51:31.897: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 448, args: [] 17:51:31.897: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 452, args: [] 17:51:31.897: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 449, args: [] 17:51:31.898: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 450, args: [] 17:51:31.898: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 453, args: [] 17:51:31.898: WASAPI: Device 'CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' Terminated 17:51:31.901: All scene data cleared 17:51:31.901: ------------------------------------------------ 17:51:31.901: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 454, args: [] 17:51:31.901: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 455, args: [] 17:51:31.902: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 456, args: [] 17:51:31.903: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 457, args: [] 17:51:31.904: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 458, args: [] 17:51:31.904: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 459, args: [] 17:51:31.905: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 460, args: [] 17:51:31.905: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 461, args: [] 17:51:31.905: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 462, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 451, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 463, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 452, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 453, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 454, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 464, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 455, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 456, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 465, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 457, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 458, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 459, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 460, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 461, args: [] 17:51:31.906: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 462, args: [] 17:51:31.991: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 463, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 466, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 464, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 467, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 465, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 468, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 466, args: [] 17:51:31.992: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 469, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 467, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 470, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 471, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 468, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 472, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 469, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 473, args: [] 17:51:31.993: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 470, args: [] 17:51:32.000: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' initialized 17:51:32.002: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 474, args: [] 17:51:32.002: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 475, args: [] 17:51:32.002: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 476, args: [] 17:51:32.002: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 471, args: [] 17:51:32.003: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 472, args: [] 17:51:32.003: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 473, args: [] 17:51:32.003: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 474, args: [] 17:51:32.003: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 477, args: [] 17:51:32.003: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 475, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 476, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 478, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 477, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 478, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 479, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 480, args: [] 17:51:32.004: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 481, args: [] 17:51:32.021: WASAPI: Device 'CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' initialized 17:51:32.022: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 482, args: [] 17:51:32.022: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 483, args: [] 17:51:32.022: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 479, args: [] 17:51:32.022: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 480, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 484, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 485, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 481, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 486, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 482, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 483, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 487, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 484, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 488, args: [] 17:51:32.023: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 485, args: [] 17:51:32.024: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 486, args: [] 17:51:32.024: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 489, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 487, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 490, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 488, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 491, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 492, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 489, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 490, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 493, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 494, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 491, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 495, args: [] 17:51:32.026: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 492, args: [] 17:51:32.027: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 496, args: [] 17:51:32.027: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 493, args: [] 17:51:32.027: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 497, args: [] 17:51:32.029: Last log entry repeated for 1 more lines 17:51:32.029: [window-capture: 'MusicBee'] update settings: 17:51:32.029: executable: MusicBee.exe 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 498, args: []17:51:32.029: [window-capture: 'Deck'] update settings: 17:51:32.029: executable: Hearthstone Deck Tracker.exe 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 499, args: [] 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 495, args: [] 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 500, args: [] 17:51:32.029: [window-capture: 'MPC-HC'] update settings: 17:51:32.029: executable: mpc-hc64.exe 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 501, args: [] 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 496, args: [] 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 497, args: [] 17:51:32.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 498, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 499, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 502, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 500, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 501, args: [] 17:51:32.030: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings: 17:51:32.030: executable: TheSurge.exe 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 503, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 502, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 504, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 503, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 505, args: [] 17:51:32.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 504, args: [] 17:51:32.030: [Media Source 'TC: Broadcast Background']: settings: 17:51:32.030: input: G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/-Broadcast Tower Background HEVC.mp4 17:51:32.030: input_format: (null) 17:51:32.030: speed: 100 17:51:32.030: is_looping: yes 17:51:32.030: is_hw_decoding: yes 17:51:32.030: is_clear_on_media_end: yes 17:51:32.030: restart_on_activate: yes 17:51:32.030: close_when_inactive: no 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 506, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 507, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 505, args: [] 17:51:32.031: MP: Failed to open media: 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/-Broadcast Tower Background HEVC.mp4' 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 506, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 507, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 508, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 508, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 509, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 509, args: [] 17:51:32.031: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 510, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 510, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 511, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 511, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 512, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 512, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 513, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 514, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 515, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 516, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 517, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 518, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 519, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 520, args: [] 17:51:32.032: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 521, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 522, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 523, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 524, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 513, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 525, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 526, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 527, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 514, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 515, args: [] 17:51:32.033: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 516, args: [] 17:51:32.254: Last log entry repeated for 8 more lines 17:51:32.254: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:51:32.538: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings: 17:51:32.538: input: H:/YouTube/Focus Home Interactive - [19.08.28] The Surge 2 - Combat Trailer.mp4 17:51:32.538: input_format: (null) 17:51:32.538: speed: 100 17:51:32.538: is_looping: no 17:51:32.538: is_hw_decoding: yes 17:51:32.538: is_clear_on_media_end: yes 17:51:32.538: restart_on_activate: yes 17:51:32.538: close_when_inactive: no 17:51:32.539: MP: Failed to open media: 'H:/YouTube/Focus Home Interactive - [19.08.28] The Surge 2 - Combat Trailer.mp4' 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 528, args: [] 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 529, args: [] 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 525, args: [] 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 530, args: [] 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 526, args: [] 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 531, args: [] 17:51:32.539: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 532, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 527, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 533, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 528, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 534, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 535, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 529, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 536, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 530, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 531, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 537, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 532, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 533, args: [] 17:51:32.540: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 534, args: [] 17:51:32.598: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 538, args: [] 17:51:32.598: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 535, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 536, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 539, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 537, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 540, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 541, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 538, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 542, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 539, args: [] 17:51:32.599: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 543, args: [] 17:51:32.618: Last log entry repeated for 197 more lines 17:51:32.618: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Mask.png': No such file or directory 17:51:32.618: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Mask.png' 17:51:32.620: Switched to scene 'Aux' 17:51:32.620: ------------------------------------------------ 17:51:32.620: Loaded scenes: 17:51:32.620: - scene 'Main': 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Window Capture' (window_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'MPC-HC' (window_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Deck' (window_capture) 17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Color Key' (color_key_filter) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'BenQ' (monitor_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'ASUS' (monitor_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source) 17:51:32.620: - monitoring: monitor and output 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Webcam Overlay' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'MusicBee' (window_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'MusicBee Now Playing' (text_gdiplus) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Webcam' (dshow_input) 17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Video Delay (Async)' (async_delay_filter) 17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Image Mask/Blend' (mask_filter) 17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'SL: AlertBox' (browser_source) 17:51:32.620: - scene 'Title Card': 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: Broadcast Background' (ffmpeg_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'MusicBee' (window_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: Generic' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: Witcher 3' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: WoW' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: Surge' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: The Division' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: ROTATING 3' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: ROTATING 2' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'TC: ROTATING' (image_source) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'BRB' (text_gdiplus) 17:51:32.620: - scene 'Aux': 17:51:32.620: - source: 'Image Slide Show' (slideshow) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'MPC-HC' (window_capture) 17:51:32.620: - source: 'WebcamFull' (dshow_input) 17:51:32.620: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 642, args: []17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter) 17:51:32.620: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter) 17:51:32.621: ------------------------------------------------ 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 639, args: [] 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 643, args: [] 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 644, args: [] 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 645, args: [] 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 640, args: [] 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 641, args: [] 17:51:32.621: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 642, args: [] 17:51:32.650: Switched to scene collection '1440p' (1440p.json) 17:51:32.650: ------------------------------------------------ 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 361 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 361 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 358 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 358 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 359 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 359 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 360 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 360 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 362 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 362 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 361 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 361 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 363 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 363 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 364 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 364 17:51:32.658: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 365 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 365 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 366 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 366 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 362 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 362 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 367 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 367 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 368 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 368 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 363 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 363 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 364 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 364 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 369 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 369 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 370 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 370 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 365 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 365 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 371 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 371 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 372 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 372 17:51:32.659: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 366 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 366 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 367 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 367 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 368 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 368 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 369 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 369 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 370 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 370 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 371 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 371 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 372 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 372 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 373 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 373 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 373 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 373 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 374 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 374 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 374 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 374 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 375 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 375 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 376 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 376 17:51:32.660: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 375 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 375 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 377 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 377 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 378 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 378 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 379 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 379 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 376 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 376 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 377 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 377 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 378 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 378 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 380 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 380 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 379 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 379 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 380 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 380 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 381 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 381 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 381 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 381 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 382 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 382 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 383 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 383 17:51:32.661: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 384 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 384 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 385 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 385 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 386 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 386 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 387 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 387 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 382 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 382 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 388 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 388 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 389 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 389 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 383 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 383 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 390 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 390 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 384 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 384 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 391 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 391 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 392 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 392 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 385 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 385 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 393 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 393 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 386 17:51:32.662: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 386 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 394 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 394 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 387 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 387 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 395 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 395 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 396 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 396 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 388 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 388 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 397 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 397 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 389 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 389 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 390 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 390 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 398 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 398 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 391 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 391 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 399 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 399 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 392 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 392 17:51:32.663: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 400 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 400 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 393 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 393 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 401 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 401 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 394 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 394 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 402 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 402 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 395 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 395 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 403 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 403 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 396 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 396 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 397 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 397 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 398 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 398 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 404 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 404 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 399 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 399 17:51:32.664: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 405 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 405 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 400 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 400 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 406 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 406 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 401 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 401 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 407 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 407 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 402 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 402 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 403 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 403 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 408 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 408 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 404 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 404 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 409 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 409 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 405 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 405 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 410 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 410 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 406 17:51:32.665: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 406 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 411 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 411 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 407 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 407 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 412 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 412 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 408 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 408 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 413 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 413 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 409 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 409 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 414 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 414 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 410 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 410 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 415 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 415 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 411 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 411 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 416 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 416 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 412 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 412 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 417 17:51:32.666: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 417 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 413 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 413 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 414 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 414 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 415 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 415 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 418 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 418 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 416 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 416 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 419 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 419 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 417 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 417 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 420 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 420 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 418 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 418 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 419 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 419 17:51:32.667: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 420 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 420 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 421 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 421 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 421 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 421 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 422 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 422 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 422 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 422 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 423 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 423 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 423 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 423 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 424 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 424 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 424 17:51:32.668: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 424 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 425 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 425 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 425 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 425 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 426 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 426 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 426 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 426 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 427 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 427 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 427 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 427 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 428 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 428 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 429 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 429 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 428 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 428 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 430 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 430 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 429 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 429 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 431 17:51:32.669: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 431 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 430 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 430 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 432 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 432 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 431 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 431 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 432 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 432 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 433 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 433 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 434 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 434 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 433 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 433 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 435 17:51:32.670: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 435 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 434 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 434 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 435 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 435 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 436 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 436 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 437 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 437 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 438 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 438 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 436 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 436 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 439 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 439 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 440 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 440 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 437 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 437 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 441 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 441 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 442 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 442 17:51:32.671: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 443 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 443 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 444 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 444 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 445 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 445 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 438 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 438 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 439 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 439 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 440 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 440 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 441 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 441 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 442 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 442 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 446 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 446 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 443 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 443 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 447 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 447 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 444 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 444 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 448 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 448 17:51:32.672: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 445 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 445 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 446 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 446 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 449 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 449 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 450 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 450 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 447 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 447 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 451 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 451 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 448 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 448 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 452 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 452 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 449 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 449 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 450 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 450 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 453 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 453 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 454 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 454 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 455 17:51:32.673: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 455 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 456 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 456 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 457 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 457 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 458 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 458 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 459 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 459 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 460 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 460 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 461 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 461 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 462 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 462 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 451 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 451 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 463 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 463 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 452 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 452 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 453 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 453 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 454 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 454 17:51:32.674: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 464 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 464 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 455 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 455 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 456 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 456 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 465 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 465 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 457 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 457 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 458 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 458 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 459 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 459 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 460 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 460 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 461 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 461 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 462 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 462 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 463 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 463 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 466 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 466 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 464 17:51:32.675: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 464 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 467 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 467 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 465 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 465 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 468 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 468 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 466 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 466 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 469 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 469 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 467 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 467 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 470 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 470 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 471 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 471 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 468 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 468 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 472 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 472 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 469 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 469 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 473 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 473 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 470 17:51:32.676: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 470 17:51:32.677: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 474 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 474 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 475 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 475 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 476 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 476 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 471 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 471 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 472 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 472 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 473 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 473 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 474 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 474 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 477 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 477 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 475 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 475 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 476 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 476 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 478 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 478 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 477 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 477 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 478 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 478 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 479 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 479 17:51:32.678: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 480 17:51:32.679: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 480 17:51:32.679: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 481 17:51:32.679: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 481 17:51:32.679: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 482 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 482 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 483 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 483 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 479 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 479 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 480 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 480 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 484 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 484 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 485 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 485 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 481 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 481 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 486 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 486 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 482 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 482 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 483 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 483 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 487 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 487 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 484 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 484 17:51:32.680: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 488 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 488 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 485 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 485 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 486 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 486 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 489 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 489 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 487 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 487 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 490 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 490 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 488 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 488 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 491 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 491 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 492 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 492 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 489 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 489 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 490 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 490 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 493 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 493 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 494 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 494 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 491 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 491 17:51:32.681: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 495 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 495 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 492 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 492 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 496 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 496 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 493 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 493 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 497 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 497 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 494 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 494 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 498 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 498 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 499 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 499 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 495 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 495 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 500 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 500 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 501 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 501 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 496 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 496 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 497 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 497 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 498 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 498 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 499 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 499 17:51:32.682: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 502 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 502 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 500 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 500 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 501 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 501 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 503 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 503 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 502 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 502 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 504 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 504 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 503 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 503 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 505 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 505 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 504 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 504 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 506 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 506 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 507 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 507 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 505 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 505 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 506 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 506 17:51:32.683: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 507 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 507 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 508 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 508 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 508 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 508 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 509 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 509 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 509 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 509 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 510 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 510 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 510 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 510 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 511 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 511 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 511 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 511 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 512 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 512 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 512 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 512 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 513 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 513 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 514 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 514 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 515 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 515 17:51:32.684: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 516 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 516 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 517 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 517 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 518 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 518 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 519 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 519 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 520 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 520 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 521 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 521 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 522 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 522 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 523 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 523 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 524 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 524 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 513 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 513 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 525 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 525 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 526 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 526 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 527 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 527 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 514 17:51:32.685: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 514 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 515 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 515 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 516 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 516 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 517 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 517 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 518 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 518 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 519 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 519 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 520 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 520 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 521 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 521 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 522 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 522 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 523 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 523 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 524 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 524 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 528 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 528 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 529 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 529 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 525 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 525 17:51:32.686: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 530 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 530 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 526 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 526 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 531 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 531 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 532 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 532 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 527 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 527 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 533 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 533 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 528 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 528 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 534 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 534 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 535 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 535 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 529 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 529 17:51:32.687: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 536 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 536 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 530 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 530 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 531 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 531 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 537 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 537 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 532 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 532 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 533 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 533 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 534 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 534 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 538 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 538 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 535 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 535 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 536 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 536 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 539 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 539 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 537 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 537 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 540 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 540 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 541 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 541 17:51:32.688: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 538 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 538 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 542 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 542 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 539 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 539 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 543 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 543 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 540 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 540 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 544 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 544 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 541 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 541 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 542 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 542 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 545 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 545 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 543 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 543 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 546 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 546 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 544 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 544 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 547 17:51:32.689: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 547 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 545 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 545 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 548 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 548 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 549 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 549 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 546 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 546 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 550 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 550 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 547 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 547 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 548 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 548 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 551 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 551 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 552 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 552 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 549 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 549 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 553 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 553 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 550 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 550 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 554 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 554 17:51:32.690: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 551 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 551 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 555 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 555 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 552 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 552 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 556 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 556 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 553 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 553 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 557 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 557 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 554 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 554 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 558 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 558 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 555 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 555 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 556 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 556 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 559 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 559 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 557 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 557 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 558 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 558 17:51:32.691: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 560 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 560 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 561 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 561 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 559 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 559 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 562 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 562 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 563 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 563 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 560 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 560 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 564 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 564 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 561 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 561 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 565 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 565 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 562 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 562 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 566 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 566 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 563 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 563 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 567 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 567 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 564 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 564 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 565 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 565 17:51:32.692: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 568 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 568 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 566 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 566 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 569 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 569 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 570 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 570 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 567 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 567 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 571 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 571 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 568 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 568 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 572 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 572 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 573 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 573 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 569 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 569 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 570 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 570 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 574 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 574 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 571 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 571 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 575 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 575 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 572 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 572 17:51:32.693: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 576 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 576 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 573 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 573 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 577 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 577 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 574 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 574 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 575 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 575 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 578 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 578 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 579 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 579 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 576 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 576 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 580 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 580 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 577 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 577 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 581 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 581 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 578 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 578 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 579 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 579 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 582 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 582 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 580 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 580 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 583 17:51:32.694: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 583 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 581 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 581 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 584 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 584 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 582 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 582 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 585 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 585 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 586 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 586 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 583 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 583 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 584 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 584 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 587 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 587 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 585 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 585 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 588 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 588 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 586 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 586 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 589 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 589 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 590 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 590 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 591 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 591 17:51:32.695: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 592 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 592 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 593 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 593 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 594 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 594 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 587 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 587 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 588 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 588 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 589 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 589 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 590 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 590 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 591 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 591 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 595 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 595 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 596 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 596 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 592 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 592 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 597 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 597 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 593 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 593 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 598 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 598 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 594 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 594 17:51:32.696: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 599 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 599 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 600 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 600 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 601 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 601 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 602 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 602 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 603 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 603 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 604 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 604 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 595 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 595 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 605 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 605 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 606 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 606 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 596 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 596 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 597 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 597 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 607 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 607 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 608 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 608 17:51:32.697: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 598 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 598 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 609 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 609 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 610 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 610 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 599 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 599 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 611 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 611 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 600 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 600 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 612 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 612 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 601 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 601 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 613 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 613 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 602 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 602 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 614 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 614 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 603 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 603 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 615 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 615 17:51:32.698: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 604 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 604 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 605 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 605 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 616 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 616 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 606 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 606 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 617 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 617 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 607 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 607 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 608 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 608 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 618 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 618 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 609 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 609 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 619 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 619 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 610 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 610 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 620 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 620 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 621 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 621 17:51:32.699: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 611 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 611 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 622 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 622 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 612 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 612 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 623 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 623 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 624 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 624 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 613 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 613 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 625 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 625 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 614 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 614 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 626 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 626 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 615 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 615 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 627 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 627 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 616 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 616 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 628 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 628 17:51:32.700: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 617 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 617 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 629 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 629 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 630 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 630 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 631 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 631 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 618 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 618 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 619 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 619 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 632 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 632 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 620 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 620 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 633 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 633 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 621 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 621 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 622 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 622 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 623 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 623 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 634 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 634 17:51:32.701: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 624 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 624 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 625 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 625 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 635 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 635 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 626 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 626 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 636 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 636 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 627 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 627 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 637 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 637 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 628 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 628 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 638 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 638 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 629 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 629 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 639 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 639 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 640 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 640 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 630 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 630 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 641 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 641 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 631 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 631 17:51:32.702: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 632 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 632 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 633 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 633 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 634 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 634 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 635 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 635 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 636 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 636 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 637 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 637 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 638 17:51:32.703: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 638 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 642 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 642 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 639 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 639 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 643 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 643 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 644 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 644 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 645 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[3]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 645 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 640 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 640 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 641 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 641 17:51:32.704: obs-browser[4]: API: performing call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 642 17:51:32.705: obs-browser[4]: API: completed call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 642 17:51:33.319: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:51:33.552: Failed to open file 'G:/Livestream/Title Cards/Division, The.jpg': No such file or directory 17:51:33.552: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/Livestream/Title Cards/Division, The.jpg' 17:51:33.552: [image_source: 'TC: The Division'] failed to load texture 'G:/Livestream/Title Cards/Division, The.jpg' 17:51:33.851: warning: Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize 17:51:34.097: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg': No such file or directory 17:51:34.097: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg' 17:51:34.097: [image_source: 'TC: Generic'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/EPC Stream Generic Thumbnail.jpg' 17:51:34.097: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Border 2.png': No such file or directory 17:51:34.097: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Border 2.png' 17:51:34.097: [image_source: 'Webcam Overlay'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Overlays/Facecam Overlay Border 2.png' 17:51:34.097: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Doom 2016.png': No such file or directory 17:51:34.097: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Doom 2016.png' 17:51:34.097: [image_source: 'TC: ROTATING'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Doom 2016.png' 17:51:34.097: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Forest, The.png': No such file or directory 17:51:34.097: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Forest, The.png' 17:51:34.097: [image_source: 'TC: ROTATING 2'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Forest, The.png' 17:51:34.097: Failed to open file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Heroes of the Storm.png': No such file or directory 17:51:34.097: gs_image_file_init_internal: Failed to load file 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Heroes of the Storm.png' 17:51:34.097: [image_source: 'TC: ROTATING 3'] failed to load texture 'G:/= Video Editing/+ Live Streaming/Title Cards/Heroes of the Storm.png' 17:51:59.912: Settings changed (outputs) 17:51:59.912: ------------------------------------------------ 17:52:15.375: User switched to scene 'Main' 17:52:21.551: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings: 17:52:21.551: executable: GameBar.exe 17:52:27.518: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings: 17:52:27.518: executable: Borderlands2.exe 17:53:10.318: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:53:10.318: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:53:10.318: rate_control: LA_ICQ 17:53:10.318: ICQ Quality: 26 17:53:10.318: Lookahead Depth:30 17:53:10.318: fps_num: 60 17:53:10.318: fps_den: 1 17:53:10.318: width: 2560 17:53:10.318: height: 1440 17:53:10.318: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:53:10.324: impl: D3D11 17:53:10.324: surf: D3D11 17:53:11.462: m_nSurfNum: 41 17:53:11.496: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:53:11.496: major: 1 17:53:11.496: minor: 29 17:53:11.496: --------------------------------- 17:53:11.496: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:53:11.496: 17:53:11.497: --------------------------------- 17:53:11.497: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:53:11.497: 17:53:11.524: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:53:11.524: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-53-10.mkv'... 17:53:22.466: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:53:23.141: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-53-10.mkv' stopped 17:53:23.141: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:53:23.141: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 657 17:53:23.141: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 697 17:53:23.141: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:53:23.224: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:53:23.225: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:53:44.458: Settings changed (outputs) 17:53:44.458: ------------------------------------------------ 17:53:46.286: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:53:46.287: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:53:46.287: rate_control: LA_ICQ 17:53:46.287: ICQ Quality: 18 17:53:46.287: Lookahead Depth:30 17:53:46.287: fps_num: 60 17:53:46.287: fps_den: 1 17:53:46.287: width: 2560 17:53:46.287: height: 1440 17:53:46.287: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:53:46.293: impl: D3D11 17:53:46.293: surf: D3D11 17:53:46.335: m_nSurfNum: 41 17:53:46.349: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:53:46.349: major: 1 17:53:46.349: minor: 29 17:53:46.349: --------------------------------- 17:53:46.350: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:53:46.350: 17:53:46.351: --------------------------------- 17:53:46.351: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:53:46.351: 17:53:46.377: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:53:46.377: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-53-46.mkv'... 17:54:06.926: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:54:07.610: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-53-46.mkv' stopped 17:54:07.610: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:54:07.610: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1234 17:54:07.610: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1274 17:54:07.610: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:54:07.646: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:54:07.646: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:55:07.183: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Fetching stream info from Twitch (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:55:07.460: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Stream is offline (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 17:55:30.976: Settings changed (outputs) 17:55:30.976: ------------------------------------------------ 17:55:34.142: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:55:34.142: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:55:34.142: rate_control: LA_ICQ 17:55:34.142: ICQ Quality: 32 17:55:34.142: Lookahead Depth:30 17:55:34.142: fps_num: 60 17:55:34.142: fps_den: 1 17:55:34.142: width: 2560 17:55:34.142: height: 1440 17:55:34.142: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:55:34.148: impl: D3D11 17:55:34.148: surf: D3D11 17:55:34.188: m_nSurfNum: 41 17:55:34.202: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:55:34.202: major: 1 17:55:34.202: minor: 29 17:55:34.202: --------------------------------- 17:55:34.203: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:55:34.203: 17:55:34.204: --------------------------------- 17:55:34.204: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:55:34.204: 17:55:34.220: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:55:34.220: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-55-34.mkv'... 17:55:54.716: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:55:55.406: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-55-34.mkv' stopped 17:55:55.406: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:55:55.406: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1231 17:55:55.406: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1271 17:55:55.407: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:55:55.459: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:55:55.459: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:56:16.792: Settings changed (outputs) 17:56:16.792: ------------------------------------------------ 17:56:25.428: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:56:25.429: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:56:25.429: rate_control: LA_ICQ 17:56:25.429: ICQ Quality: 24 17:56:25.429: Lookahead Depth:15 17:56:25.429: fps_num: 60 17:56:25.429: fps_den: 1 17:56:25.429: width: 2560 17:56:25.429: height: 1440 17:56:25.429: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:56:25.435: impl: D3D11 17:56:25.435: surf: D3D11 17:56:25.477: m_nSurfNum: 26 17:56:25.492: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:56:25.492: major: 1 17:56:25.492: minor: 29 17:56:25.492: --------------------------------- 17:56:25.492: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:56:25.492: 17:56:25.493: --------------------------------- 17:56:25.493: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:56:25.493: 17:56:25.504: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:56:25.504: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-56-25.mkv'... 17:56:45.948: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:56:46.376: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-56-25.mkv' stopped 17:56:46.376: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:56:46.376: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1228 17:56:46.376: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1252 17:56:46.376: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:56:46.396: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:56:46.396: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:57:34.144: Settings changed (outputs) 17:57:34.144: ------------------------------------------------ 17:57:35.416: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:57:35.417: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:57:35.417: rate_control: LA_ICQ 17:57:35.417: ICQ Quality: 12 17:57:35.417: Lookahead Depth:15 17:57:35.417: fps_num: 60 17:57:35.417: fps_den: 1 17:57:35.417: width: 2560 17:57:35.417: height: 1440 17:57:35.417: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:57:35.423: impl: D3D11 17:57:35.423: surf: D3D11 17:57:35.461: m_nSurfNum: 26 17:57:35.474: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:57:35.474: major: 1 17:57:35.474: minor: 29 17:57:35.474: --------------------------------- 17:57:35.474: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:57:35.474: 17:57:35.475: --------------------------------- 17:57:35.475: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:57:35.475: 17:57:35.489: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:57:35.489: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-57-35.mkv'... 17:57:55.939: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:57:56.376: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-57-35.mkv' stopped 17:57:56.376: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:57:56.376: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1228 17:57:56.376: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1253 17:57:56.377: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:57:56.410: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:57:56.410: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:58:36.323: Settings changed (outputs) 17:58:36.323: ------------------------------------------------ 17:58:37.992: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:58:37.992: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:58:37.992: rate_control: ICQ 17:58:37.992: ICQ Quality: 12 17:58:37.992: fps_num: 60 17:58:37.992: fps_den: 1 17:58:37.992: width: 2560 17:58:37.992: height: 1440 17:58:37.992: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:58:37.998: impl: D3D11 17:58:37.998: surf: D3D11 17:58:38.036: m_nSurfNum: 11 17:58:38.037: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:58:38.037: major: 1 17:58:38.037: minor: 29 17:58:38.037: --------------------------------- 17:58:38.037: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:58:38.037: 17:58:38.038: --------------------------------- 17:58:38.039: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:58:38.039: 17:58:38.067: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:58:38.067: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-58-37.mkv'... 17:58:58.323: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:58:58.879: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-58-37.mkv' stopped 17:58:58.879: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:58:58.879: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1217 17:58:58.879: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1249 17:58:58.879: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:58:58.879: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 715/1248 (57.3%) 17:58:58.903: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:58:58.903: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:59:25.478: Settings changed (outputs) 17:59:25.478: ------------------------------------------------ 17:59:28.920: Starting recording due to hotkey 17:59:28.920: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 17:59:28.920: rate_control: ICQ 17:59:28.920: ICQ Quality: 20 17:59:28.920: fps_num: 60 17:59:28.920: fps_den: 1 17:59:28.920: width: 2560 17:59:28.920: height: 1440 17:59:28.920: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 17:59:28.925: impl: D3D11 17:59:28.925: surf: D3D11 17:59:28.963: m_nSurfNum: 11 17:59:28.965: m_nTaskPool: 4 17:59:28.965: major: 1 17:59:28.965: minor: 29 17:59:28.965: --------------------------------- 17:59:28.965: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:59:28.965: 17:59:28.966: --------------------------------- 17:59:28.966: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 17:59:28.966: 17:59:28.992: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 17:59:28.992: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-59-28.mkv'... 17:59:49.568: Stopping recording due to hotkey 17:59:50.653: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 17-59-28.mkv' stopped 17:59:50.653: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 17:59:50.653: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1236 17:59:50.653: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1300 17:59:50.653: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 17:59:50.769: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 1110/1283 (86.5%) 17:59:50.853: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 17:59:50.853: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 18:00:07.461: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Fetching stream info from Twitch (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 18:00:07.651: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Stream is offline (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 18:00:30.177: Settings changed (outputs) 18:00:30.177: ------------------------------------------------ 18:00:33.218: Starting recording due to hotkey 18:00:33.218: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 18:00:33.218: rate_control: ICQ 18:00:33.218: ICQ Quality: 26 18:00:33.218: fps_num: 60 18:00:33.218: fps_den: 1 18:00:33.218: width: 2560 18:00:33.218: height: 1440 18:00:33.218: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 18:00:33.225: impl: D3D11 18:00:33.225: surf: D3D11 18:00:33.318: m_nSurfNum: 11 18:00:33.319: m_nTaskPool: 4 18:00:33.319: major: 1 18:00:33.319: minor: 29 18:00:33.319: --------------------------------- 18:00:33.319: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 18:00:33.319: 18:00:33.321: --------------------------------- 18:00:33.321: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 18:00:33.321: 18:00:33.330: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 18:00:33.330: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 18-00-33.mkv'... 18:00:53.988: Stopping recording due to hotkey 18:00:54.344: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 18-00-33.mkv' stopped 18:00:54.344: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 18:00:54.344: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1241 18:00:54.344: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1261 18:00:54.344: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 18:00:54.344: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 276/1260 (21.9%) 18:00:54.357: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 18:00:54.357: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 18:01:21.285: Settings changed (outputs) 18:01:21.285: ------------------------------------------------ 18:01:22.722: Starting recording due to hotkey 18:01:22.722: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings: 18:01:22.722: rate_control: ICQ 18:01:22.722: ICQ Quality: 32 18:01:22.722: fps_num: 60 18:01:22.722: fps_den: 1 18:01:22.722: width: 2560 18:01:22.722: height: 1440 18:01:22.722: [qsv encoder: 'recording_h264'] debug info: 18:01:22.728: impl: D3D11 18:01:22.728: surf: D3D11 18:01:22.766: m_nSurfNum: 11 18:01:22.768: m_nTaskPool: 4 18:01:22.768: major: 1 18:01:22.768: minor: 29 18:01:22.768: --------------------------------- 18:01:22.768: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Game'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 18:01:22.768: 18:01:22.769: --------------------------------- 18:01:22.769: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Isolated Raw Microphone'] bitrate: 1024, channels: 6, channel_layout: 3f 18:01:22.769: 18:01:22.779: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 18:01:22.779: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 18-01-22.mkv'... 18:01:43.368: Stopping recording due to hotkey 18:01:43.584: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'H:/OBS/Recordings/2019-09-10 18-01-22.mkv' stopped 18:01:43.584: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping 18:01:43.584: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1237 18:01:43.584: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1248 18:01:43.584: ==== Recording Stop ================================================ 18:01:43.597: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 18:01:43.597: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing 18:05:07.653: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Fetching stream info from Twitch (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 18:05:07.975: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Stream is offline (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/2e254f058866101076f4bf8f10f577a09901074e/yoink/static/activityfeed.bundle.d1bd568a.js:2) 18:07:22.186: Settings changed (outputs) 18:07:22.186: ------------------------------------------------ 18:07:50.952: ==== Shutting down ================================================== 18:07:50.972: Switched to scene '(null)' 18:07:50.973: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 646, args: [] 18:07:50.973: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 647, args: [] 18:07:50.973: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 648, args: [] 18:07:50.973: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 649, args: [] 18:07:50.973: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 650, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 651, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 652, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 653, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 654, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 655, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 656, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 657, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 658, args: [] 18:07:50.974: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 643, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 644, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 645, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 646, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 647, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 648, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 649, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 650, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 651, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 652, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 653, args: [] 18:07:50.975: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 654, args: [] 18:07:50.976: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 655, args: [] 18:07:50.976: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 656, args: [] 18:07:50.976: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 657, args: [] 18:07:50.976: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 659, args: [] 18:07:50.976: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 660, args: [] 18:07:50.977: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 661, args: [] 18:07:50.994: Last log entry repeated for 103 more lines 18:07:50.995: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' Terminated 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 709, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 714, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 710, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 715, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 711, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 716, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 712, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 717, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 718, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 713, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 719, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 714, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 720, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 715, args: [] 18:07:50.995: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 721, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 716, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 722, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 717, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 718, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 723, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 719, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 724, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 725, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 720, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 721, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 726, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 727, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 722, args: [] 18:07:50.996: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 723, args: [] 18:07:50.997: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 724, args: [] 18:07:51.009: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)' Terminated 18:07:51.022: WASAPI: Device 'CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' Terminated 18:07:51.029: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 728, args: [] 18:07:51.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 725, args: [] 18:07:51.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 726, args: [] 18:07:51.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 727, args: [] 18:07:51.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 728, args: [] 18:07:51.029: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 729, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 730, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 731, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 732, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 729, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 730, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 731, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 732, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 733, args: [] 18:07:51.030: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 734, args: [] 18:07:51.031: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 735, args: [] 18:07:51.033: All scene data cleared 18:07:51.033: ------------------------------------------------ 18:07:51.034: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 736, args: [] 18:07:51.034: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 733, args: [] 18:07:51.034: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 737, args: [] 18:07:51.035: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 734, args: [] 18:07:51.035: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 735, args: [] 18:07:51.035: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 736, args: [] 18:07:51.035: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 738, args: [] 18:07:51.035: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 739, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 737, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 738, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 740, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 739, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 741, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 740, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 742, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 741, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 743, args: [] 18:07:51.053: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 742, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 744, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 743, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 744, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 745, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 745, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 746, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 746, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 747, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 747, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 748, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 748, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 749, args: [] 18:07:51.054: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'getAllManagedHotkeyBindings', callback id 750, args: [] 18:07:51.179: Last log entry repeated for 3 more lines 18:07:51.179: obs-browser[4]: CONSOLE: [mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (0) that is out of bounds (0). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX (source: https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/js/ad135dbde99030118666bc6d2f528546f7c009ba/yoink/static/mediarequest.bundle.ddd8b078.js:2) 18:07:51.181: obs-browser[4]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 750, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-mute":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-next-item":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-nudge-volume-down":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-nudge-volume-up":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-pause":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-play-pause":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-prev-item":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-set-volume-level":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-show-on-stream":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.media-request-video":false},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 18:07:51.232: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 753, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-mute":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-pause":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.alerts-skip":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.cup-empty":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.overlays-reload":false},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 18:07:51.232: obs-browser[3]: API: posting call to 'broadcastEvent', callback id 754, args: [{"data":{"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen":false,"com.streamelements.obslive.kappagen-pump":false},"name":"SYS$SUPPORT:FUNCTIONS"}] 18:07:51.243: Freeing OBS context data 18:07:51.360: [Scripting] Total detached callbacks: 0 18:07:51.378: == Profiler Results ============================= 18:07:51.378: run_program_init: 2578.54 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSApp::AppInit: 31.468 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┗OBSApp::InitLocale: 0.788 ms 18:07:51.378: ┗OBSApp::OBSInit: 2331.3 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣obs_startup: 2.812 ms 18:07:51.378: ┗OBSBasic::OBSInit: 2062.84 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::InitBasicConfig: 0.307 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::ResetAudio: 0.103 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::ResetVideo: 492.539 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::InitOBSCallbacks: 0.004 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::InitHotkeys: 0.031 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣obs_load_all_modules: 596.035 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(coreaudio-encoder.dll): 0.736 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(decklink-ouput-ui.dll): 0.614 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(enc-amf.dll): 42.753 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(frontend-tools.dll): 3.898 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(image-source.dll): 0.003 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-browser.dll): 332.382 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-ffmpeg.dll): 0.745 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┃ ┗nvenc_check: 0.705 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-filters.dll): 0.021 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-outputs.dll): 0.006 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-qsv11.dll): 6.57 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-streamelements.dll): 2.693 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-text.dll): 0.179 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-transitions.dll): 0.005 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-vst.dll): 0.001 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-x264.dll): 0.001 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(rtmp-services.dll): 0.75 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(text-freetype2.dll): 0.044 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(vlc-video.dll): 0.985 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-capture.dll): 0.059 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-decklink.dll): 1.431 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-dshow.dll): 1.914 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-mf.dll): 0 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-wasapi.dll): 0.003 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┗reset_win32_symbol_paths: 0.071 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: 0.345 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::CreateHotkeys: 0.173 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::InitService: 0.083 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣OBSBasic::InitPrimitives: 0.064 ms 18:07:51.378: ┗OBSBasic::Load: 835.86 ms 18:07:51.378: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=0.002 ms, median=0.005 ms, max=80.3 ms, 99th percentile=0.356 ms, 99.9981% below 25 ms 18:07:51.378: audio_thread(Audio): min=0 ms, median=0.059 ms, max=27.164 ms, 99th percentile=4.497 ms 18:07:51.378: ┗receive_audio: min=0.002 ms, median=0.727 ms, max=17.111 ms, 99th percentile=3.251 ms, 0.262635 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣buffer_audio: min=0.001 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=0.191 ms, 99th percentile=0.007 ms 18:07:51.378: ┗do_encode: min=0.012 ms, median=0.971 ms, max=17.106 ms, 99th percentile=3.244 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.026 ms, median=0.167 ms, max=1.336 ms, 99th percentile=0.274 ms, 0.0325064 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.01 ms, median=2.139 ms, max=4.27 ms, 99th percentile=3.05 ms, 0.0322103 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.01 ms, median=0.166 ms, max=0.445 ms, 99th percentile=0.283 ms, 0.0590325 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.009 ms, median=2.228 ms, max=3.853 ms, 99th percentile=3.307 ms, 0.0587957 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.012 ms, median=0.167 ms, max=1.252 ms, 99th percentile=0.382 ms, 0.0589141 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.01 ms, median=2.177 ms, max=5.819 ms, 99th percentile=3.158 ms, 0.0587365 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.01 ms, median=0.166 ms, max=0.499 ms, 99th percentile=0.265 ms, 0.0579667 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.009 ms, median=2.167 ms, max=3.302 ms, 99th percentile=2.933 ms, 0.0577299 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.011 ms, median=0.167 ms, max=0.585 ms, 99th percentile=0.357 ms, 0.0580851 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.011 ms, median=2.045 ms, max=5.645 ms, 99th percentile=3.187 ms, 0.0578483 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.011 ms, median=0.166 ms, max=0.593 ms, 99th percentile=0.281 ms, 0.0577891 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.01 ms, median=2.185 ms, max=3.552 ms, 99th percentile=3.156 ms, 0.0576115 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.011 ms, median=0.166 ms, max=0.702 ms, 99th percentile=0.333 ms, 0.0606904 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.009 ms, median=2.124 ms, max=5.904 ms, 99th percentile=3.177 ms, 0.0604535 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.01 ms, median=0.167 ms, max=0.367 ms, 99th percentile=0.267 ms, 0.058322 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Game): min=0.01 ms, median=2.944 ms, max=4.552 ms, 99th percentile=3.554 ms, 0.0580851 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┣encode(Isolated Raw Microphone): min=0.01 ms, median=0.167 ms, max=0.531 ms, 99th percentile=0.293 ms, 0.0577299 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: ┗encode(Isolated Game): min=0.01 ms, median=2.022 ms, max=3.361 ms, 99th percentile=2.759 ms, 0.057493 calls per parent call 18:07:51.378: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.03 ms, median=0.174 ms, max=2691.01 ms, 99th percentile=1.269 ms, 99.8616% below 16.667 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣tick_sources: min=0.001 ms, median=0.018 ms, max=2690.88 ms, 99th percentile=0.231 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣output_frame: min=0.022 ms, median=0.071 ms, max=183.744 ms, 99th percentile=0.401 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┗gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.022 ms, median=0.071 ms, max=183.743 ms, 99th percentile=0.401 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.004 ms, median=0.009 ms, max=1.013 ms, 99th percentile=0.047 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┃ ┗render_main_texture: min=0.002 ms, median=0.007 ms, max=1.008 ms, 99th percentile=0.038 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┗gs_flush: min=0.017 ms, median=0.06 ms, max=183.734 ms, 99th percentile=0.357 ms 18:07:51.378: ┗render_displays: min=0 ms, median=0.08 ms, max=12.78 ms, 99th percentile=0.726 ms 18:07:51.378: OBSBasic::ResetVideo: min=11.204 ms, median=0 ms, max=11.246 ms, 99th percentile=11.246 ms 18:07:51.378: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.163 ms, median=0.219 ms, max=24.288 ms, 99th percentile=2.037 ms, 99.9897% below 16.667 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣tick_sources: min=0.013 ms, median=0.022 ms, max=4.745 ms, 99th percentile=0.378 ms 18:07:51.378: ┣output_frame: min=0.074 ms, median=0.107 ms, max=20.761 ms, 99th percentile=0.944 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┗gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.074 ms, median=0.106 ms, max=20.76 ms, 99th percentile=0.941 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.009 ms, median=0.022 ms, max=7.023 ms, 99th percentile=0.177 ms 18:07:51.378: ┃ ┃ ┗render_main_texture: min=0.008 ms, median=0.019 ms, max=7.018 ms, 99th percentile=0.163 ms 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┗gs_flush: min=0.053 ms, median=0.082 ms, max=20.735 ms, 99th percentile=0.727 ms 18:07:51.379: ┗render_displays: min=0.052 ms, median=0.081 ms, max=23.209 ms, 99th percentile=0.879 ms 18:07:51.379: OBSBasic::InitService: min=1.281 ms, median=0 ms, max=8.211 ms, 99th percentile=8.211 ms 18:07:51.379: OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: min=0.298 ms, median=0.338 ms, max=0.55 ms, 99th percentile=0.55 ms 18:07:51.379: OBSBasic::CreateHotkeys: min=0.613 ms, median=0 ms, max=0.649 ms, 99th percentile=0.649 ms 18:07:51.379: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.125 ms, median=0.492 ms, max=1062.24 ms, 99th percentile=4.082 ms, 99.9694% below 16.667 ms 18:07:51.379: ┣tick_sources: min=0.001 ms, median=0.196 ms, max=1061.95 ms, 99th percentile=2.625 ms 18:07:51.379: ┣output_frame: min=0.041 ms, median=0.103 ms, max=17.625 ms, 99th percentile=0.933 ms 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┣gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.041 ms, median=0.102 ms, max=17.61 ms, 99th percentile=0.653 ms 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.002 ms, median=0.027 ms, max=8.077 ms, 99th percentile=0.21 ms 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣render_main_texture: min=0.001 ms, median=0.024 ms, max=8.075 ms, 99th percentile=0.163 ms 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣render_convert_texture: min=0.006 ms, median=0.007 ms, max=0.218 ms, 99th percentile=0.027 ms, 0.183677 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗stage_output_texture: min=0.001 ms, median=0.007 ms, max=0.876 ms, 99th percentile=0.172 ms, 0.183677 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┃ ┣gs_flush: min=0.024 ms, median=0.067 ms, max=10.637 ms, 99th percentile=0.462 ms 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┃ ┗download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.044 ms, max=5.027 ms, 99th percentile=0.123 ms, 0.183677 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┃ ┗output_video_data: min=0 ms, median=0.466 ms, max=2.59 ms, 99th percentile=0.867 ms, 0.183524 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┗render_displays: min=0.052 ms, median=0.143 ms, max=18.554 ms, 99th percentile=0.974 ms 18:07:51.379: video_thread(video): min=0 ms, median=0.731 ms, max=550.119 ms, 99th percentile=137.732 ms 18:07:51.379: ┗receive_video: min=0.496 ms, median=0.786 ms, max=64.217 ms, 99th percentile=24.445 ms, 1.24131 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┗do_encode: min=0.495 ms, median=0.785 ms, max=64.216 ms, 99th percentile=24.443 ms 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.483 ms, median=0.637 ms, max=23.705 ms, 99th percentile=8.33 ms, 0.064552 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.483 ms, median=0.67 ms, max=19.605 ms, 99th percentile=4.549 ms, 0.118067 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.486 ms, median=0.663 ms, max=26.269 ms, 99th percentile=7.212 ms, 0.117882 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.488 ms, median=0.677 ms, max=1.449 ms, 99th percentile=0.996 ms, 0.116119 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.485 ms, median=0.649 ms, max=1.388 ms, 99th percentile=0.963 ms, 0.116119 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.675 ms, median=15.035 ms, max=44.615 ms, 99th percentile=24.84 ms, 0.115748 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.556 ms, median=16.525 ms, max=59.108 ms, 99th percentile=25.954 ms, 0.118995 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┣encode(recording_h264): min=0.474 ms, median=0.937 ms, max=64.172 ms, 99th percentile=24.466 ms, 0.116861 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ┗encode(recording_h264): min=0.482 ms, median=0.732 ms, max=28.509 ms, 99th percentile=14.967 ms, 0.115656 calls per parent call 18:07:51.379: ================================================= 18:07:51.379: == Profiler Time Between Calls ================== 18:07:51.379: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=24.076 ms, median=25.929 ms, max=1219.43 ms, 13.4294% within ±2% of 25 ms (0.00568322% lower, 86.5649% higher) 18:07:51.379: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.101 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=2691.02 ms, 92.6336% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (3.6555% lower, 3.71088% higher) 18:07:51.379: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.212 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=46.096 ms, 91.5534% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (4.37568% lower, 4.07088% higher) 18:07:51.379: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.189 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=1062.25 ms, 90.1472% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (5.02244% lower, 4.83038% higher) 18:07:51.379: ================================================= 18:07:51.608: Number of memory leaks: 26