Users with flickering image issue


New Member

I've a solution for users using laptops and desktop that is having several GPUs. The issue is that OBS must be forced to the GPU that you're playing with.


For maximum compability for your steam make sure you add the game to STEAM first. You can add a non-steam based game at the STEAM:

Screenshot on where you can add your steam-based/non-steam based game: <- STEAM -> Games -> Add non-steam based game / Activate Steam Game


So, for OBS to be used for optimal compability, you've to set the OBS program to a certain GPU. By that, the one that is dedicated:

You can do that by right clicking on the OBS program and then go to Run with graphics processor and select the one you're using for games.

STEP 2.5(Only neccesary if your on a Optimus based laptop / nvidia users)

For optimus based graphics card, you've to do this: and also change the NVIDIA Game profile to use it as a preferred graphics card ->

For ATI users, I've no clue!


Make sure your game has STEAM INGAME OVERLAY enabled. Rightclick on the game at library at STEAM and then click on Properties and click on the Checkbox: "Enable STEAM Community In-game" ->

And afterwards when you've done that, make sure that the INGAME overlay is enabled on STEAM. You go to STEAM -> Settings -> In-game -> and click on the Checkbox: "Enable Steam Community In-game" ->


Then you go back to OBS, and go to the left Window (Sources) and add Game-Capture to the respective game you added for the game. Using game-capture will help you from not running the game in Window mode or anything similiar.

This guide is mainly to help users using NVIDIA Optimus based laptops and users with stream issues in Game capture. I recommend the newest Build from OBSProject, for users using 64-bit use the 64-bit version!

So, the conclussion is:

You need to add the game you play in to STEAM, and then enable STEAM In-Game Overlay. When the game has STEAM In-Game overlay, you won't have to deal with the issues you might have with in Window-mode in game(s). This means that you can play popular games without needing to play in Window-mode/Fullscreen Window-mode.

Also, I personally recommend all streamers to use this guide! Thanks for me! Any questions such as performance, I can't answer that, I can only answer to this solution about having stream issues with laptops using Nvidia Optimus technologies.