Donation Tracker


Hello guys!

I've been watching Sodapoppin's stream for quite a while and a while ago he got a software that makes a sound and automatically updates two .txt files when he gets a donation, so I thought I'd share this with you guys.

Here's the link:

It's the same person who made BetterTTV and Nightbot.
The two .txt-files is top donator and most recent donator which you just add into OBS.
Yachak said:
kidx86 said:
Please support ustream please i hate twitch and it lags.

I'm affraid he is not the or one of the developers working on that project

This is true, The dev is Nightwalker (@nightwalker925) He is the creator of BTTV and Nightbot on Twitch. I don't think he has anyplans on supporting ustream but I do believe this donation tracker isn't a Twitch only thing.

It is a broadcasting software overlay.

Also, any requests and problems can be directed to Nightwalkers bug forum -


New Member
Is anyone using the visual alert system for the visual popups? Does this system display comments or is that only with the donation alerter system via .txt ?


New Member
The CSS for the Visual Alert System isn't coded right. Currently if you want to change a property you have to !important it. So if you want to change the font size the CSS code is:
font-size: 30px !important;
or it wont work.
Is anyone using the visual alert system for the visual popups? Does this system display comments or is that only with the donation alerter system via .txt ?
As of right now, nope. Night i think is working on maybe adding this down the road. You can use his donation tracker.exe like I do to display the messages so you can read them off. This is just a temp fix

Is it possible to show every incoming donation as a pop-up window in the stream?

I am confused about this? When someone donates, it shows up. Are you talking about an alert for yourself? Most times when someone donates, the audio alert will play (If using x64bit OBS) and you can even use donation tracker.exe that he offers to have a video up showing donations and messages. This goes off the same time as the alert most times.


New Member
Oh... I though I only have the donation.exe for myself where I can see who has donated. I cant remember that I have seen a tracker.exe. I also haven't seen it in the video tutorial :(

Then sorry for my question. I will try it when I'm at home. But thanks for the fast reply to my question.
Oh... I though I only have the donation.exe for myself where I can see who has donated. I cant remember that I have seen a tracker.exe. I also haven't seen it in the video tutorial :(

Then sorry for my question. I will try it when I'm at home. But thanks for the fast reply to my question.

Don't be sorry

Night offers both
Donation Alerter:and Visual Alert

Donation Alert is a CMD window that you can setup and show top donors, recent, etc.


Visual is a visual alert for your viewers on your stream which uses CLR Browser Plugin.

Hope this clears abit up.


New Member
Thanks a lot !!
The CMD windows was ok. Everything is fine with it. But I didn't see the Visual Alert. Is there also a video tutorial how to setup?

Unfortunately, I will be at home on friday because of my job. Can I ask you if I have any further questions on friday?

And sorry for my bad english I hope it is not that hard to understand me :/
Thanks a lot !!
The CMD windows was ok. Everything is fine with it. But I didn't see the Visual Alert. Is there also a video tutorial how to setup?

Unfortunately, I will be at home on friday because of my job. Can I ask you if I have any further questions on friday?

And sorry for my bad english I hope it is not that hard to understand me :/

The visual is pretty easy to setup aswell.

follow the install intrusctions here -

and watch the video here

The program works amazing, thank you for that. All i want is to use a custom image when the donations pop on screen and I can not calibrate it to look decent( it looks always streched) with the text in middle.
Here is the image that i want to use, maybe some of you will help me. Thanks in advance.
P.S : even if the image is a bit smaller it won't be any problem.


  • elder_scrolls_online__eso__by_sarcazmatic-d7ajl0o.png
    399 KB · Views: 230
The program works amazing, thank you for that. All i want is to use a custom image when the donations pop on screen and I can not calibrate it to look decent( it looks always streched) with the text in middle.
Here is the image that i want to use, maybe some of you will help me. Thanks in advance.
P.S : even if the image is a bit smaller it won't be any problem.

You must change the image in the URL supplied aswell the CSS to allow larger images. I will try and share it here without giving away any of my info lol

So 1st you need to change the image URL Night provides to something like a imgur direct link (Image link ending in a .png) like so


Then I take my image I want to use for the alert and upload it to Imgur or Vidble and replace the "" link with the new imgur link.

My donation image is 1280x720 because that is what I stream at and looks like this

feel free to use it.

Now you need the CSS, All i did was take Night's default CSS and alter minor things
::-webkit-scrollbar {
visibility: hidden;
body {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
margin: 0px auto;
#donation-alert {
height: 720px !important;
width: 1280px !important;
#donation-alert .text {
margin-left: 0px !important;
padding-top: 660px !important;
width: 1280px !important;

I changed the size to 1280x720 and centered the text (as good as I could)

Now when you do this, you have to make sure you change the resolution in CLR Browser aswell to 1280x720


Hope this helps some people out looking to do custom images. It will also support .Gif images but you need to make sure sites can host the files (usually larger then .png) and can direct link to them. I use imgur and vidble.



New Member

Was trying to get this add on /plug in to work but alas I get

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 25: ordinal not in range (128)"

when i run donations application. I followed the Youtube guide exactly but not sure how to fix this. Was using version 2.0
Well the donation tracker is not a plugin but a additional to an already working plugin (clr browser - . Make sure you have the right the right CLR Browser installed and make sure you are using links and css supplied by the steps on the donation tracker alert (

I don't know if this helps you at all but hopefully this will sort some confusion out. If you can take a screenshot of the error again and where about it occurs, that could help me more.


New Member
Thanks for the reply.

Checked the plugin and downloaded it. it appears in OBS so it should be fine. I use the follower bot version to track when someone follows. I've put the screen shot on as it was after I did these suggestions and re-doing the video guide set up.


  • Untitled.jpg
    91.7 KB · Views: 173
ohhh you are using the CMD window tracker. This has nothing to do really with CLR Browser at all unless you are taking the info and inputting it into OBS via Text file (some streamers do this).

Best bet would be to go into your Donation Tracker page and reset your API Key. DO NOT SHOW OR GIVE YOUR API KEY TO ANYONE!

After that, copy the API key and go to the Donation Tracker Folder your extracted from the download and find the "Settings.ini" in the folder. Open it notepad and put your twitch username and API Key HERE


and then save the file. Hopefully this fixes everything. Also, you can play around with some settings in the "Settings.ini" but I would remove anything so it doesn't create anymore issues.

Let me know how it goes.

EDIT: This could even be a socket issue with the Donation Tracker but try my suggestions. I am on the NightDev Support team for Night's plugins and alerts. I will check in with other support guys and get their thoughts