[TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plugin)


New Member
Hey, all! I've been working on this program for some time now, since the Browser Source plugin first showed up.

I think most of you know the problems with the old ways of overlaying chat, this attempts to address some of those problems, here's what I offer:

  • No more ugly chroma-keyed text
  • No need for extra screen real-estate
  • Real-time chat, no polling or overwriting chat lines
  • Full CSS3 chat, including things like CSS-animations, drop-shadows, etc.
  • All in one single application, no need to set up scripts for IRC clients.

Completed features
  • User badges (subscriber/mod/turbo/admin/broadcaster/admin, of course including the per-channel subscriber badge)
  • Full emoticon support, including turbo and subscriber emoticons!
  • Full user colour support (as far as the TMI delivers)
  • New subscriber notification
  • /me commands showing up correctly

All you will need to do is:
  • Install the Browser source plugin
  • Run the client (some user login set-up necessary first time, hopefully I can get this done with OAuth2 so we don't save or handle passwords)
  • Add a Browser source
  • Stream

To customise, either use the browser source CSS or the included CSS file.
All HTML is handled with the Tornado template engine so you can quite easily change the per-message HTML as well.

(old)Example (Just to show the overlay in action, over the regular twitch chat. Name colors work most of the time, subscribers are recognised but I haven't added the badge API calls yet)

The UI is so far only set up for testing, I will post some pictures once the real stuff is starting to take shape.

I don't have anything to release to you guys yet but I could use some immediate feedback.
What would you like to see in this application in order to find it most useful?


Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

Mmmmm, this looks very interesting. Is the overlay also able to get time stamps from the chat (assuming you have that option enabled in Twitch Chat) ?


New Member
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

Time stamps should be pretty easy to add, yeah. This does not use the regular Twitch Chat, it connects to the IRC, time stamp settings from the web chat won't be available. It will have to be set in the application settings.


Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

Sunspots said:
What would you like to see in this application in order to find it most useful?
Personally... speed. Put every effort you can muster into optimizing it as much as possible.
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

I'd use this in a heartbeat.

Options wanted:

- Font size, line spacing.
- Color toggle (change to all same color, or use default)
- Emote/smilie toggles (plain text instead of images)



New Member
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

I haven't had that much time to work on it but I think I have nailed most of the bugs down. I'm not a particularly good programmer, I just like making things.

EDIT: Emoticons working (at least the custom faces, I haven't found any API calls for the regular smileys), badges are done as well.


New Member
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

Any chance to get an alpha/beta version for testing? :)


New Member
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

I hope so, yeah!
I've only got a few things to polish before I can go on to see what needs to be done to make this distributable.


New Member
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

volvo pls

EDIT: I've been working on it most of the day, reduced the worst performance issue, fixed some emoticon bugs, working on /me commands right now, I'll try to get a test video up tonight, otherwise I have the whole day free tomorrow, hopefully I've got a test build done before the end of tomorrow.


New Member
Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

can someone tell me the necessary steps to using this please? What programs do I need to download for this to work? Sorry for my ignorance.

Deleted member 4422

Re: [TBA] Sun's WebIRC (Chat overlay for Browser Source Plug

Would use this whenever ready, been searching for this for long! :D