OBS SceneTransition


New Member
MrSpectacle submitted a new resource:

OBS SceneTransition - Support for custom transitions between scenes

OBS SceneTransition is a program that allows you to create custom transitions between scenes - using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. However, the transitions only work properly when sceneswitch is triggered via an automatic sceneswitcher - or you can manually trigger the transition via URL but good luck timing that.

It's completely free, and you can turn off the 'Give a tip' button if you don't want to see that either.

A slightly modified version of Simple Scene Switcher is included in the package,...

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Forum Admin
Both scenesw.dll you included are built for 64 bit

I get an error for MSVCP120D.dll missing when trying on 64 bit
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New Member
The CPU usage from the program itself shouldn't make any difference.
However, if you create an insanely heavy transition with lots of video files, audio files, large images etc the load time when trigger a transition could make a noticable bump in CPU and memory usage, just as any other website would.


Idk, it works as in it queue's the transition at the interval, but no matter what no transition occurs.


New Member
Is the (Global Source) Browser source on each scene, and pointed to the viewing URL?
Have you confirmed the settings in OBS SceneTransition?


Yep, followed all directions to the T, after inspection it does appear to not be saving any changes when I hit save. It just says it saved and the index files are basically blank.


I mean, like if I set the transition time differently say to 2-3 seconds or so it changes the scenes at that time like it is connected and "functioning" but Im getting nothing from the actual html. Where as all other CLR stuff I use is functioning properly.


New Member
The settings are saved to /transitions/<selectedTransition>/settings.json not the index itself,
the changes are then applied to the HTML as it is inserted into the viewing url.


Yea I mean literally the settings period of all 3 transitions appears to not save and be completely blank. It attempts to do the transition like the sceneswitch happens w/ in the timed delay, and I've even went severe to like 5 seconds etc and it takes that long but absolutely nothing appears on screen.


The Helping Squad
Btw, OBS now includes the scene switch plugin and since your files are called _86/_64 they wont overwrite the plugin.
Now if I activate "Start on launch if possible" it will start both plugins as they use the same configuration file.
It could be better for the users of this tool if they replace the scenesw.dll instead of having the plugin twice.


New Member
Looks amazing! But could you add an option for using the transistion even when you switch scenes manually? And could you also make it so you could specify different transitions for different scenes?


New Member
This was good at first, but I never got it "triggering" slide transitions, even though I was able to trigger it manually by going to the trigger location directly. Now, a day later I'm trying to test it out and the OBSSceneTransition won't open the UI at all. It goes into the task manager, it goes into the details (Windows 8) but the "UI" won't open.

I've attempted a clean install of OBS with only OBSSceneTransition installed as a plugin clean even to see if that's the case, but the UI is now "gone".