YouTubey [WIP]

YouTubey [WIP] 1.1.0

This theme is currently work in progress, because the YouTube integration for OBS isn't implemented yet (no ETA) and I'm not happy with some of the red colored parts of the theme (scrollbars, active tabs, highlighting of buttons and scenes/sources). As I will mention at the end, I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about those things and the theme in general in the comments below.
Without further ado, let's get to the interesting part! :)

This is a very modified version of the "Dark" theme shipped with OBS. It contains code snippets from the themes "Acri" made by @Warchamp7 and "Rachni" made by @Fenrir. Those themes are also shipped with OBS. This theme is mainly meant for OBS v23 and higher but should work with earlier versions too.

There are two different versions. One with a custom font and one without.
Version with font:

Version without font:

Both versions and the fonts are included in the download.

How to install the version with the custom font:
1. Extract
2. Go to YouTubey (with font) -> FONT
3. Install all the fonts in there (see picture) *IMPORTANT

4. Move the YouTubey folder and YouTubey.qss file into your theme folder (Default is: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-studio\themes\)
5. Restart OBS
6. In OBS, go to Settings -> General and select the theme
7. Click OK
How to install the version without the custom font:
1. Extract
2. Go to YouTubey (without font)
3. Move the YouTubey-Lite folder and YouTubey-Lite.qss file into your theme folder (Default is: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-studio\themes\)
4. Restart OBS
5. In OBS, go to Settings -> General and select the theme
6. Click OK

That's it!
If you experience any problems or if you have any ideas for improvements, please let me know in the comments below!
Feel free to rate this theme and share it with your friends <3
Known issues:
Issue: The new highlighting of sources doesn't work as expected see:
Info: Not much I can do about since this has something to do with the OBS code, but it's been reported.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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