Displaying the current song playing on Spotify!

1. Create a folder and extract the zip file in the folder.
2. Open OBSCurrentlyPlaying.exe
3. Go to OBS create a text source then press tick "Read from file" then select the text file where you placed in the folder you first created "OBSCurrentlyPlaying.exe" and select "currentsong.txt" which would have been created when you have opened the application.
4. Start Spotify and start jamming!

Video Tutorials.

Editing the config file.


You should be all set to go enjoy, please leave feedback for improvements and any questions you have.
First release
Last update
4.58 star(s) 19 ratings

Latest updates

  1. V1.28 Hot fix.

    Hello everyone, Theres been a slight update with Spotify which broke the txt clearing mechanism...
  2. V1.28

    Added sub prefixes, to set a sub prefix start the program and it will create a new config.json...
  3. V1.27

    V1.27 Has now been released, auto clears text files when paused or closed. Fixed hyphen spiting...

Latest reviews

Coming from using Tuna- this is simple, really easy to use, and works great. Will work regardless of OBS version (I think?) with how it is, which is convenient for me. Thank you!
Worked great, thank you ^^
Seems to make problems with actual games as Battlefield 2042 and Elder Ring, i has identify this as source of problems like discribted here:
Hey, OBSCurrentSong does not interact with OBS in anyway other then when updating the file that stores the current song playing.
this works great for me as I have a lot of local files that I listen to through spotify and they will not work with many other similar tools. simple and easy to set up. currently the only options for display are song title and artist name. I understand that cover art is out since that would involve using spotify api, however I'd love to see additional text options such as album name if possible. regardless this is what I was looking for and I'm pleased
This works really well for the most part! I've noticed that, on a few occasions, the program won't update when changing songs. But that's easy to fix by just restarting the song.

I only have one tiny complaint which is more of a problem with my specific setup than the plugin. I run most of my stream content off of a separate hard drive. When running the program on any drive that isn't C:, the program doesn't update. Not something I expect to be fixed or really a flaw with the program, but I felt like I should mention it just in case that's something you ever wanted to look into.

Otherwise the plugin is great! Thanks for replacing snip.
it works, but only display the 1st artist name. doesnt show full artist name when there is multiple artist in a song. it would be great it it will show full artist names
When it works, it works fantastic. However, I have a problem where it sometimes won't show up on my stream. Other than that issue, it is exactly what I'm looking for.
Hey R4ptor, Thank you for the kind review, if the issue continues to persist please contact me via discord `Rotinx#3699`
It's simple, light, and works just as intended.
Thank you for the kind review, happy streaming :)
Hi there, been using this instead of snip, cause it stopped working. only issue im running into is when i have scrolling text for the overlay. there is no space between the song name and when thee artist scrolls back, for example "Shinedown - Song" as its scrolling all is good, until its scrolling from the song name back to the artist, there is no gap, i.e. "SongShinedown - " if that makes sense?

was just wondering if theres a way to fix it! Thanks!
Hello Asiph53, Thank your for the review infact there is already a feature to handle this issue. Please check out this video which shows the steps to take to add spacing to the text. https://vimeo.com/264039117
Thank you its amazing! i was using Snip, but somereason Snip dont display local files in spotify. This one does! Only thing i would like you to add is that we could minimize it to system tray. "subprefix": command was nice bonus, i use "subprefix": "♪♫♪'" (u can do that with Alt commands, Alt 13 is ♪ and Alt 14 is ♫) Far as i know u cant use alt commands in there, but u can use copy paste :)
Thank you for the suggestion, unfortunately because the application is built in a console application this isn't possible without a recode. Currently don't have the time, but at some point I might be able to get it done.