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Non-OBS Script Auto Source Switcher

A donation alone isn't enough of a gesture of gratitude for this awesome project, so here's my own little way of paying it forward a bit. Hopefully this will help others like me in the minority of (Windows) users who aren't using it exclusively for gaming and want to do television style broadcasting.

If a scene gets focus (user chooses another OBS scene), script sleeps until focus is changed. Includes blocks for a game capture source and DroidCam app to add an old Android phone as one source.

Should work out of the box, but plenty of room for improvement - e.g., allow focus change without scene switch.


Create desired sources and scenes in OBS

Name scenes to auto switch Scene1, Scene2, etc

Download AutoHotKey

Create a new Notepad file, rename with .ahk extension

Right-click > Edit Script

Adapt variables in the following code to reflect your sources and cut time preferences:

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         A.N.Other <>
; Script Function:
;    Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.



camsNum = 2  ; Number of sources, scenes, cameras (if DroidCamOn and/or SLon = 1, AHK adds to camsNum)
camNum = 1  ; Start with Scene1

DroidCamOn = 0 ; Android phone as a source with DroidCam app
SLon = 0 ; Game to capture
manualSwitch = 0  ; Initialize manual source switching

; Cut times in milliseconds using golden ratio
randVar = 2  ; Default cut time
cutTime = 10000  ; Initialize cutTime
cutTime1 = 6000
cutTime2 = 10000
cutTime3 = 16000
; Add additional cutTimeN variables if desired


; START OBS (And other sources, if enabled)

DetectHiddenWindows, On  ; OBS and other applications may be minimized
SetTitleMatchMode, 2  ; Application names need not be exact
Target := "Kyle TV"  ; OBS Profile name/window title
DroidCam := "DroidCam"  ; Application window title
SL := "Firestorm-Release"  ; Game window title

;Open OBS if it isn't already
IfWinNotExist %Target%
    Run "C:\Program Files\OBS\OBS.exe"
    WinWait, %Target%

;Alert user if unable to open OBS for some reason
IfWinNotExist %Target%
    MsgBox Unable to open OBS

; Game block
if SLon = 1
    camsNum := ++camsNum ; Add scene
    IfWinNotExist %SL%  ; Open game if it isn't already
        ;Run, appName.exe, C:\Path\to\application, Min - run app minimized
        Run, Firestorm-Release.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\Firestorm-Release, Min

        ; WinWait, %appVarName% - wait for app to open
        WinWait, %SL% 

        ;Alert user if unable to open app for some reason
        IfWinNotExist %SL%
            MsgBox Unable to open %SL%

;DroidCam block
if DroidCamOn = 1
    camsNum := ++camsNum ; Add scene 
    IfWinNotExist %DroidCam%  ; Open DroidCam if it isn't already
        ;Run, appName.exe, C:\Path\to\application, Min - run app minimized
        Run, DroidCamApp.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\DroidCam, Min

        ; WinWait, %appVarName% - wait for app to open
        WinWait, %DroidCam%

        ;ControlClick, buttonName, appWindowTitle - AHK "clicks" buttonName in appWindowTitle 
        ControlClick, Start, DroidCam 

;Alert user if unable to open app for some reason
    IfWinNotExist %DroidCam%
        MsgBox Unable to open DroidCam


Loop  ; loop through different cut times for manual switching illusion
    Random, randVar, 1, 3  ; Random, randVar, 1, totalTimes
    randVar := Round(randVar)  

    if randVar = 1
        cutTime = %cutTime1%
    else if randVar = 2
        cutTime = %cutTime2%
    else if randVar = 3
        cutTime = %cutTime3%
    ; Add else blocks if desired

    ; SKIP SWITCH if manually selecting scene
    ; Get active control
    ControlGetFocus, manualSwitch, A
    ; Switch source if user is not selecting one manually
    if manualSwitch != ListBox1  ; OBS Scenes box, Right-click AHK taskbar icon > Window Spy to find control and 

menu names
        ; SWITCH SCENE
        if (camNum <= camsNum)
            Control, ChooseString, Scene%camNum%, ListBox1, ahk_class OBSWindowClass  ; AHK selects SceneN

            ; Get next scene and wait for cutTime milliseconds
            camNum := ++camNum
            Sleep %cutTime%
            camNum = 1  ; Back to Scene1 if we've cycled through the rest
    ; else auto switching suspended until focus removed (click something besides a scene)

Save AHK file

Right-click > Compile Script to create .exe, if desired

Right-click > Run Script

OBS > Preview Stream

Select any scene to pause auto switching

Click outside of Scenes box to resume auto switching

Right-click AHK taskbar icon > Pause Script or Exit to stop auto switching
First release
Last update
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