color format

  1. M

    How to change the format of the stream?

    Hi, I have the default settings - sRGB and NV12. I noticed that the stream is kind of behind the fog and not clear.... I get better quality on Rec. 2100 (PQ) and (HLG). The problem is that I can't turn on the streaming because it shows me a message that x264 as well as AMD HW H.264 are not...
  2. B

    Recording lossless AND streaming NV12

    Hello. I've searched the web nd OBS forum but couldn't find any guides: Is there a way to have OBS Using Color Format (in adv. Video Settings) I444, for lossless recording, meanwhile converting this to NV12 for streaming platform compatibility? Thanks in advance.
  3. TsuZing

    About 8bit RGB to 10bit YUV

    Most users use 8-bit color depth monitors, so they take it for granted that recording videos should also use 8-bit. There is no point in using 10-bit because original video is only 8-bit. Really? They made a mistake. Original color format of the computer is RGB, and video encoding uses YUV color...
  4. B

    NV12 color format is not giving me the right colors

    Hello everyone, i actually use a translator to speak with you because iam french so I use obs to make videos only when I use the NV12 format the colors are not the same as my rendered game (uglier) so I use the I444 format which only works well for it when I edit on Sony Vegas I have to export...
  5. L

    washed colors or too dark colors.

    I'm new on recording on my own PC while playing games, and I have this color problem despite I tried different enconders, color space and range. This is how it looks like on my screen: On Rec601 and Full range: And on partial range: I'm using AMD hw h.265 (hevc) encoder but I tried too with...
  6. D

    OBS poor video quality under Linux

    OS: Manjaro kernel 5.19.11 Hardware: 5900X (PBO 170W) 32GB RAM 3600 1:1 5500XT 8GB 120Hz 1080p screen I have been experiencing poor video quality (recorded or streamed) for more than a year and regardless of the settings. Things i have tried so far: -KDE compositor settings. -Changing the...
  7. V

    How to record with RGB color format?

    I am trying to record videos losslessly. I've seen this reddit post and the solution seems to be to use I444 or RGB color format (combined with the obvious CRF=0 option). Using I444 puts too much strain on the GPU so I decided to go with RGB. As one comment says, this requires the x264rgb...
  8. Y

    Question / Help ELI5 - YUV color settings for streaming to twitch

    I have been getting into streaming again and am currently setting up OBS to stream to Twitch and have been looking for some info on the color settings in OBS for streaming to Twitch specifically. I have googled and read alot of the threads about it but i still dont understand it, so i was...
  9. EposVox

    CAPTURE CARD DOCUMENTATION - Latency, Decode Modes, Formats, & MORE!

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Intro/Overview Decode Mode Support Notes on RGB Color Space Format Support Notes on Scaler Support Input Latency Testing Notes on “Bitrate” support Testing Methodology Limitations & Future Improvement How to submit capture cards for testing Intro/Overview IN THIS RESOURCE...