
obs-shaderfilter 2.3.2


New Member
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New Member
Hello, I'm trying to replicate how a StreamFX filter looked with it's Exeldro approved equivalent.

The scan line filter I've got mostly the same. To get both a big rollbar and smaller lines like I could do before, it takes 2 instances instead of the previous one instance...

But the big difference is the old filter would be visible on a black empty background, while this new one is not. Anybody got any suggestions about that?

I don't know shader code from a hole in my head but I'm open to being given edits for it.


New Member
Hello. This shader code works fine on the ShaderToy website.
Made it with chatGPT, how can it be converted to use with OBS shader filter?
I need a simple slider to skip frames and send previous duplicated frames.

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {
    vec2 uv = fragCoord / iResolution.xy;
    // Calculate a frame toggle based on time assuming 60fps animation
    int frameIndex = int(mod(iTime * 60.0, 60.0));

    // Only update once every 6 frames (reduces to 10fps)
    if (frameIndex % 6 == 0) {
        fragColor = texture(iChannel0, uv); // Draw the frame
    } else {
        discard; // Skip the frame