I'm glad the creator fixed the bugs that version 0.3.2 had, version 0.3.4 hasn't crashed once and hasn't had any stability issues or recording errors if properly configured.
Maybe you could give some recommendations, like making the camera recording stop when you pause a recording in OBS, that would make post-production work easier since the video would be synchronized at all times, camera and content.
I don't know what the cause is, but in OBS when I start recording for 2 or 3 seconds it says "overload when encoding, consider lowering video settings" and then it stabilizes, this isn't annoying or generates errors, but it does cause the camera source to record after the message passes, so you have to wait a few seconds before starting to speak; and square the camera with the content by the 2 to 5 second offset (this is the maximum that I have ever had), this would help a lot in post-production.
These are minor details but they can be polished for a better plugin.