Scene Collection Manager

Scene Collection Manager 0.0.8

First release
Last update
4.95 star(s) 22 ratings

More resources from Exeldro

Latest updates

  1. Version 0.0.8

    OBS version 28 support
  2. Version 0.0.6

    fix importing scene collection scripts
  3. Version 0.0.5

    export scene collection including local files in he structure they are in your scene collection

Latest reviews

Does what it says it does and easily. Another great plugin, Exeldro! Thanks again!
Makes managing different scene collections a breeze!
Recientemente perdí muchas escenas y no tenía un respaldo reciente. Esto me va a salvar de ahora en más! Excelente plugin
Export files, too??!!!????? WOW! This is the best thing! Can't wait to try it!
Buen complemento, una consulta se podra hacer que se guarde tambien el tiempo en el que se quedo un video? es una funcion que obs no tiene al exportar escenas, y es muy util
As always, another phenomenal plugin! :D Thank you so very much!
The amount of anxiety this saves me cannot be put into words. Thank you!
This has saved me so much headache! Thank you Exeldro!
Great plugin! I have a suggestion. I think it would be even better if you could select the backup folder yourself if you wanted to