XDJ-RR connecting to berhinger uca222 and OBS


New Member
Hi I’m trying to connect my controller to OBS using above sound card and a brand new Mac but OBS is not seeing it ? Can anyone help ? I can finish audio codec in settings on OBS and apply this but no sound is coming through to MacBook . Sound card is showing red and not green - I have been going round in circles for weeks now. Just need some one with some good knowledge on this matter


Active Member
Must be a USB problem, if the light is wrong.

The analog connections have no idea if anything is plugged in or not. They read whatever voltage happens to be on them at the time, and "spring" to zero volts (normal silence) when nothing says otherwise. Nothing more than that, and no such thing as "no signal": there's *always* a voltage there, even if it's zero, and it dutifully converts that to digital like anything else.

OBS has no idea about the light. And the operating system probably doesn't either. It's entirely controlled by the card itself, as a status or health indicator.

I think you have either a bad card or a bad computer. Does another app use that card okay?