[GUIDE] Using Music Bee for a Music Ticker


New Member
If you're a big fan of Music Bee, you'll be happy to know it has a plugin called "Now Playing to External Files".

A quick and dirty guide for Windows:

  1. Download and install the plugin as found here, configure as necessary
  2. In the main OBS window, click Global Sources
  3. Click Add and then select Add Text (shown here)
  4. Enter a name
  5. In the bottom third of the window, select "Use Text From File (UTF-8 or compatible)"
  6. Click Browse and enter this into the "%appdata%\MusicBee\Tags.txt" (without the quotes), click open
  7. Your window should look similar to this image.
  8. Customize as you please

The cool thing about this plugin for Music Bee is it also updates lyrics, album artwork, and other stuff. Super sweet.