New subscriber display feature


New Member

Im aware regardfing the donator tracker and have set it up myself but I cant seem to find how some streamers display new subs on screen with an image with the sub nane and a sound. Im pretty sure it is as easy as the donator tracker I just cant seem to find the tool.

Guys like sodapoppim or phantomlord do have this feature in case you wonder exactly what it is. If anyone knows I would be grateful.



New Member
There is no "ready to go" stuff i believe.
These are two methods that I'm aware of:
1) the easy way - CLR + JS and this ... 1&offset=0 (change "brobq" with your channel name).
2) the hard way (how i did it some time ago, i was unaware of api ;x) CLR + JS + PHP, catching new follower name from email.
Both requires some JS knowledge but yea, it is possible.


New Member
I've tried. They won't answer, pretty sure they have way too many spam messages to reply any.

And yeah, I mean subscribers, not followers.


Active Member
There's also a tool available at that essentially watches your chat and pops up a message/sound when it sees a new sub.

Only problem is that it doesn't allow the nice alpha-fades that PL and SP use, and it's a little rough at present... doesn't remember which sound file it's supposed to use between executions, needs WAV files (instead of MP3/FLAC) doesn't adaptively change font size to-fit as large as possible, rescales PNG logos less than perfectly (lots of jaggies, and doesn't list what its native res is). But it seems to work, is easy to set up, and more-or-less does what's desired.

Yeah, I've sent a message to PL as well and received no response; his looks really slick. Can only assume it's a Flash file watching for a textfile change or something.


New Member
growl for windows + custom notification display theme + javascript that outputs irc messages might work.

I assume you'd have to create your own custom notification theme so it can be a custom image similar to phantoml0rd's and have a script look for the irc bot's "has subcribed!" message while growl handles the sound file.
I don't think he uses this, but it's a different way to go about it.

I use this approach in a minimal way to just view irc messages, when streaming for friends.

Mainly Asian streamers use this method along with Text-to-Speech, which I've tried out after google translating.


Has anyone figured out what PL or Dexter use for Subscribers that can make it fairly animated? It's really slick!


Most streamers who have gained partnership with Twitch get TNotifier for free. If you are partnered GET THIS.
Otherwise: Nightdev's got a CLRbrowser setup for it (images and all). My application wont have subscribers in it till I get testers.


I already use Tnotifier and my programmer friend and I are creating an all-in-one tool for widgets, bots etc. Can't wait to unveil it to everyone!

I guess they are using a custom CSS with javascript to animate it.


buttery said:
Most of the streamers I see with a subscriber alert use Night's Subscriber Alert. They just have their own pictures or whatever made for it. is his website.

Indeed. He just created a very nice one for non-Partners to use for just Followers. I use it now and love it.


New Member
Can JavaScript create a rich interactive site like animations that when rolled over play out, or an interactive object that can be drug around the screen like a type of video game of sorts? or is Javascript limited to just hover buttons and photo gallery's thing like that?


andrikaa said:
Can JavaScript create a rich interactive site like animations that when rolled over play out, or an interactive object that can be drug around the screen like a type of video game of sorts? or is Javascript limited to just hover buttons and photo gallery's thing like that?

You should not ask that here, but in short, JavaScript is a full fledged coding language.


New Member
Ok. So I have the CLR browser plugin and I made a global source with it on OBS with the correct API tag for my T Notifier widget, but when I activate it shows the 30 seconds activation countdown for the widget but then does not show my actual notification slide when I press test. Can someone please help me? I want to shoot myself. I've been trying to self fix the problem for almost a week. Please send help.