OBS Studio - Bring back "Sub-region capture"


New Member
My wish: Sub-region capture for OBS studio

I know you can make a window capture and crop it through filter, but i think that's very slow compared to the window capture sub region mode you had in OBS classic. Could you please bring that back over to OBS studio in form of a plugin or in the actual program? Think a lot of people are seeking a faster way to show specific regions of their monitors.

Thank you for reading, and don't get me wrong. I love OBS.


Active Member
So multiple additions of the same source and using the crop transform doesn't do what you need?


New Member
So multiple additions of the same source and using the crop transform doesn't do what you need?
I'm not sure if I get what you're saying entirely.

Say you want to show the stream a screenshot or parts of your other monitor for a brief moment.

1. You don't want to save a screenshot so you can use the Image function, because that's very slow way.
2. Same with window capture and cropping.

Right now through my use of OBS studio I don't see any fast way to show image or sub regions of a window without it showing the entire app or using the crop filter. Sub region was perfect for this. You could easily show off parts of say your steam chat window without having to crop it, store an image on your disk.

Another way of looking at it. You screenshot something with snipping tool and then want to show the stream what you screenshotted. You'll have to crop it for it to look good, or like back in the day you could easy just use sub region capture.

Hope this makes my point more clear.


New Member
So multiple additions of the same source and using the crop transform doesn't do what you need?

By crop-transform. Do you mean the result of ALT-moving the window? That is kinda slow to use aswell compared to sub region, where you don't need to "crop" at all. If you don't use the studio mode i think this function is kinda bad. Say you want to show an image of a donation, but don't want to leak credential information. Sub region is a 1-step safe way to do it, where having to crop an image after it's already displayed is just not an option. You could use studio mode for this tho.

I just don't think the current functions in OBS studio beats the old Sub-region capture. Nothing more to say honestly.


The Helping Squad
Forum Moderator
Just want to throw in, isn't alt-cropping even faster? (Holding the alt-key and dragging the sides of a source in the preview to crop) It was included in one of the last updates.


New Member
Just want to throw in, isn't alt-cropping even faster? (Holding the alt-key and dragging the sides of a source in the preview to crop) It was included in one of the last updates.

Ye, but if there's something you want to hide. You need to toggle "studio mode" before you can do alt-key cropping. Thats why i would love a sub-region capture. Where it doesn't come on screen before you click ok. I didn't know of alt cropping when i made this post, but it doesn't fullfill my wishes totally. Hope you understand.


New Member
Just gonna add this in...Sub region on classic is more user friendly. I like studio but this one issue will hold it back.