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New Member
At the moments I am using the canary build of chrome and whenever I try to save my directory the save button fades but nothing happens.


New Member
The newest Dev build is 64bit and I know that broke UNP in the same or similar way, IDK if canary has made the jump to 64bit yet but that could be the problem.


untamed stop working in chrome because not afiliate with google conditions
to function i need reinstall my chrome every time


New Member
I've gotten it to work with the meathods posted on the forums post chrome update, but it no longer provides the artwork file in the folder. Is this a bug, or am I doing something incorrectly. Want to mention I'm using it for pandora


New Member
Hey Untamed,
I love UNP the only problem I get is that it says UNPN isn't in the Google Extension store so it disables it and won't let me reenable it. I have to reinstal it to get it to work again.
Is there any way we could get this added to their "Extension Store" or find a different way around this issue?


New Member
when i changed my directory C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\unp\ and i delete USERNAME and put my account name and then click save. It doesn't do anything it and the save button is grayed out what am I doing wrong?


New Member
I have everything working but inside of OBS the text will not update on my stream even though the file updates with the correct song info. Any ideas anyone?


New Member
when i changed my directory C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\unp\ and i delete USERNAME and put my account name and then click save. It doesn't do anything it and the save button is grayed out what am I doing wrong?

Same things for me, can 't change directory :(
I'am using Chrome 64bits last version


New Member
Hey! I cant save my settings. So UNP isnt work anymore.
Новый точечный рисунок.jpg


New Member
I suggest you disable chrome's self-update settings just in case they decide to remove it from the 32bit version as well


New Member
@rainbow, hey I download canary chrome but it seems like I'm still getting the directory error. It sucks because I had UNPN working, but I needed to reformat my computer, fresh installs of stuff, and poof, RIP UNPN.

If you know any other methods to get the directory thing workin let me know.


New Member
I have been trying to get this but I simply cannot manage to change the default "no album" artwork.
I tried changing the included jpg and tried changing some of the javascript in proxy.js with no luck. Hopefully the developer or someone here could help...


New Member
Yeah I'm getting the same issue where the save button throws an exception for the directory. Is there a planned update to fix the 64bit version? I don't want to switch to 32bit chrome.