Fedora 22 Installation Instructions


New Member
sudo dnf -config-manager --add-repo http://repo.tech-3.net/Fedora/tech-3.repo

This typo threw me off, its meant to be

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo http://repo.tech-3.net/Fedora/tech-3.repo

Minus the hyphen


New Member
Does this work with Fedora 24? I plan on installing Fedora 24 but it would kinda suck if I had to compile OBS to use it


New Member
Does this work with Fedora 24? I plan on installing Fedora 24 but it would kinda suck if I had to compile OBS to use it

Yes there is rpm packages in tech-3 repo but it seems there is no repodata availabe for F24 repo (dnf fails with "Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'tech-3', disabling.", see attached screenshot)

you can downlaod rpms from http://repo.tech-3.net/Fedora/24/x86_64/ and install them manually as a workaround solution.

Screenshot from 2016-08-14 03-44-33.png


New Member
This installs OBS Studio to your system. You can run OBS from either the menu (Its under Sound and VIdeo category) or from command line 'obs' (without quotes of course).

If you run into problems, or the package appears to be broken for Fedora 22, please contact myself at joe@tech-3.net and I'll see if it's a problem with the build I did.

The packages will be updated on the release frequency that the main branch is on.

Currently, I am providing both 32-bit and 64-bit packages and source RPMs. I do not guarantee the source rpms will install correctly tho. They are not needed for the operation of OBS-STUDIO, but needed for building plugins against it.

If you need specific plugins built, I can set up a repo that provides them built against these RPMs.

Hey friend that's great guide but is it still working?

I am getting some errors that i can't find solution for after:
sudo dnf install obs-studio


New Member
Awesome to see that there is now a fedora repo available. I am going to reach out to tech-3 and see why they are running there own repo vs using copr out of curiosity but it's great to see my prefered distro get some obs repo love. I've been building it as a portable package on my centos 7 workstation for several months now.


New Member
Ya'll I'm slow slow when it comes to this. I've done every diff type of entry that I can Think of...

Background. Linux, with Chrome Operating system.... is it possible to get and use the OBS this way?? If so is anyone willthing to dull it down for a short buser like me?!