Added support for MPRIS, Windows Media Control and fixed an issue with Youtube music.

MPRIS and Windows Media Control are interfaces for linux and windows that allow media players to share their metadata with other applications. Any player that supports them can now provide information to tuna.
Fixed a crash that would happen when trying to download covers from itunes.
Also added some more logging for library versions and spotify configuration
Last update introduced a crash which should now (hopefully) be fixed.
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Reactions: OpenFields
MPD now reuses the connection for fetching data. The userscript has been updated. Youtube, Youtube Music, Deezer and Soundcloud should now work properly again. You can download the latest script version here.
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Reactions: OpenFields
No major changes other than an update to Qt6 and OBS 28.0.0. This release will therefore ONLY work with OBS 28.0.0 or later (and the release candidates)
Old format options will now be converted to the new options (i.e. any output using %t will be converted to {title} etc.)
The dialog now also warns users if they are using the old options.
Also fixed the "remove file extension" option not working.
Completely overhauled the formatting system. Now uses full variable
names like {title} or {TITLE}. Added extra options for VLC since VLC
apparently uses a bunch of custom metadata types.

Also changed some things in the JSON representation of the song. It
should now contain all info that is available.

Fixed progress bar jumping around. The progress bar now smoothly moves
using the frame time and gradually speeds up or slows down if it is
behind/ahead of the actual song position.

Because this release changed a bunch of things there's a chance that something broke,
if that's the case you can always use the previous release and create an issue on gitea.
If enabled tuna will download missing covers from
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Reactions: Monsteer
  • Fixed token termination not being saved correctly
  • Fixed token refresh using wrong data type for expiry
  • Changed git link url
  • Fixed promises for spotify not being deleted
  • Updated Spanish translation
Added option to choose VLC sources per scene and scene collection
Added IceCast support
Added Simplified Chinese translation curtesey of @Cyame
Added support curtesey of @mihawk90
Fixed "Remove file extension" option
Fixed memory leak and crash with vlc source
Fixed issues with progress bar source when vlc source was hidden