Bug Report Can't start OBS: Failed to initialize video: Unspecified error


New Member
I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and just after installing OBS. Whenever I launch, the program quits immediately and the following pops up; "Failed to initialize video: Unspecified error". Can anyone help fix this problem?

Log file:

17:51:33: OBS 0.5.1-35-gfebede1 (linux)
17:51:33: Processor: 4 logical cores
17:51:33: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2370M CPU @ 2.40GHz
17:51:33: Physical Memory: 7865MB Total
17:51:33: Kernel Version: Linux 3.13.0-35-generic
17:51:33: Distribution: "Ubuntu" "14.04"
17:51:33: audio settings reset:
    samples per sec: 44100
    speakers:        2
    buffering (ms):  1000

17:51:33: X and Y: 909 500
Backbuffers: 2
Color Format: 3
ZStencil Format: 0
Adapter: 0

17:51:33: Failed to create OpenGL context.
17:51:33: device_create (GL) failed
17:51:33: Failed to initialize video:  Unspecified error
17:51:41: Number of memory leaks: 144

UPDATE: After doing some more research, I tried updating to proprietary graphics drivers (Intel 3000) I'm still getting the same error...
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I didn't think Intel had proprietary graphics drivers on linux. It may not work due to a shader extension we're using, which we're soon going to remove. You may have to wait until then.


New Member
I didn't think Intel had proprietary graphics drivers on linux. It may not work due to a shader extension we're using, which we're soon going to remove. You may have to wait until then.

Thanks for your response! Surprisingly, Intel does have its own drivers on linux, and they're Open Source too: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/05/intel-linux-graphics-driver-installer-1-0-5

Shame about the extension not working, that's what I thought was causing the problem... Any idea what the time of completion will be?


New Member
this is what I see when i start it .. now how do i find the error log, Like i said i am totally new to Ubuntu and linux . am I missing needed programs , is there a listing of needed software to load other then the ones in the app thread?

help please

Thank you Tanya

Screenshot from 2014-09-13 12_47_45.png


New Member
this is what I see when i start it .. now how do i find the error log, Like i said i am totally new to Ubuntu and linux . am I missing needed programs , is there a listing of needed software to load other then the ones in the app thread?

help please

Thank you Tanya

View attachment 3920

That is the exact problem I'm having! And the update that came out today hasn't done anything to resolve it... Here is where my logs are, they are probably in the same place for you:

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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Not yet. I am working on this soon to hopefully get it out of the way and over and done with.


New Member
I actually just pushed the fix today: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/commit/3967c6354a2f5ce9a08f416c7241d5563e28feb9

If anyone's compiling OBS, please checkout the latest master branch and let me know if it's working.

Still getting the same error when I start up...


11:55:30: OBS 0.5.1-70-g6ff5a3a (linux)
11:55:30: Processor: 4 logical cores
11:55:30: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2370M CPU @ 2.40GHz
11:55:30: Physical Memory: 7865MB Total
11:55:30: Kernel Version: Linux 3.13.0-35-generic
11:55:30: Distribution: "Ubuntu" "14.04"
11:55:30: audio settings reset:
    samples per sec: 44100
    speakers:        2
    buffering (ms):  1000

11:55:30: X and Y: 909 500
Backbuffers: 2
Color Format: 3
ZStencil Format: 0
Adapter: 0

11:55:30: Failed to create OpenGL context.
11:55:30: device_create (GL) failed
11:55:30: Failed to initialize video:  Unspecified error
11:58:54: Number of memory leaks: 144
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This must only be for integrated Intel graphics because I have been running OBS on Linux Mint 17 (based off Ubuntu 14.04) x64 with KDE for a week or so and have not seen this problem.


New Member
I had the exact same problem hours ago. Here's what I did to break OBS and how I "solved" it. Either one of these steps has worked:

My graphics card is a 560 TI Nvidia

1. Everything was running fine.
2. I connected a new 2nd LCD for dual screen mode I had just received today.
3. OBS broken <- my opinion is that Ubuntu put the small one first for no reason, I concluded that since now even my BIOS is only visible on the new one as it's connected via DVI, my first screen runs on HDMI and I have a very old mainboard. OBS failed to start. I tried deleting the ini but it didn't help. While giving me the same error you guys have gotten already I actually saw something on the OBS gui output that was a small part of my 1st LCD but with the resolution of the smaller (new) LCD, so it was basically a cut out piece of text in 1024x768.
4. Backed up my OBS .ini in case. You should do the same. Editing could've maybe helped there aswell. Btw my graphics card driver screwed up completely after that and assumed that both LCDs were of the same brand as the new one.. So I went into deep mental mode and
5. removed obs-studio via terminal (that didn't do the trick probably)
6. selected standard drivers from Ubuntu and afterwards removed all nvidia drivers via terminal. See below how to do this.
7. disabled 2nd screen
8. 1st reboot.
9. reinstall nvidia, reboot again
10. re-enable 2nd screen
11. Go to Displays/Settings and put the screen you want to stream from as first and the other one as extension.
12. Setup resolutions etc.
13. Install obs-studio
14. Your backed up .ini file settings at 4., copy only commandline if you had anything there and insert your bitrate into OBS.
15. Success!

Here's how everything looks right now, just a normal screenshot:

Here's my actual desk:
I do have to go to the right side from the bigger screen if I want my cursor to pay a visit to the small one.

Ubuntu sorta keeps track of how your windows are aligned so for example when I boot Starcraft it will boot on my gaming screen but twitch.tv and Mozilla and my music player will open on the small one. While the gaming LCD is 1st and the small one 2nd I still have the small one on the left side (speaking of where they are on my actual desk)

nvidia removal
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo 'nouveau' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/206283/how-can-i-uninstall-a-nvidia-driver-completely
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Cybergrany - If that log is your latest log, it says: OBS 0.5.1-70-g6ff5a3a. Latest master is two commits above that. The commit in question that fixed it is the one right after that commit.

The latest master branch (as of commit 3967c635 and above) is where the mesa compatibility issue was fixed.


New Member
Cybergrany - If that log is your latest log, it says: OBS 0.5.1-70-g6ff5a3a. Latest master is two commits above that. The commit in question that fixed it is the one right after that commit.

The latest master branch (as of commit 3967c635 and above) is where the mesa compatibility issue was fixed.

Ah thanks, didn't realize that, I simply assumed that the latest update available in Ubuntu's software updater was the one needed. How would I go about getting the latest commit?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You can either wait for the PPA package maintainer (btbn) to release the latest revision or just download the repo and compile it.

EDIT: Also it appears that the latest PPA was only updated to the latest commit two days ago. You may have to check again. Latest version is 0.5.1-72
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New Member

I get the same error on OS X 10.8.5 running HD3000 (hackintosh);

Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 14.41.42.png

I assume I too have to wait for an updated version? Just checking - working fine on a Bootcamped Win7 install.

Cheers for all the good work